Scenarios for 3 - 4 Players
Each player chooses to command either the northern or southern front of the Polish or Soviet forces. Northern front orders and battles are always placed and executed first.
Each player draws 6 cards at the beginning of each round. A player can only give orders to blocks in his front and may not play Historical Event Cards designated for the other front.
Players will need to negotiate who gets which order counters during each Operation Phase, since the number of order counters are limited. Teams win or lose the game together.
Two Players Playing Scenarios for 3 - 4 Players
If only two players are playing a 3 or 4 player scenario, a player may take control of both front commands for a side. He draws 6 cards at the beginning of a new round and two more at the beginning of each Operation Phases 2 - 4.
He may hold a maximum of only 7 cards at any time. The player may still play an order card, a reinforcement card or a Historical Event card ( for each front at the beginning of each Operation Phase, etc.
A player also places 2 orders per front. (More if he played an order card on a front to increase that front's allowable orders). All northern front orders are played first, then all southern front orders.
Player Rivalry
The Soviet player controlling the most VP cities may choose the 'Rail Transport' and 'Reorganization' orders first. The northern commander may choose first in case of a tie.
Whichever Soviet commanding leader block (such as Stalin or Tukhachevsky) is closest to Klintsy during the Reinforcements Phase receives Klintsy's strategic reinforcements for use on his front. The northern commander receives the reinforcements in case of a tie.
The Poles must assign a supreme player at the beginning of a 4 player scenario and he gets first choice of orders.
Historical note: There was poor coordination and communication between the Soviet fronts. Rivalry was common, insubordination rampant and there was conflict and friction between many of the Soviet leaders vying for power and control.
Reinforcements intended for one front were often diverted to the other. For example, crucial orders requiring the transfer of the 1st Cavalry Army and the XIIth Army to the northern front were delayed for two days due to "decoding problems".
This gave the Poles the time they needed to reorganize their forces to hold off the defeat of Warsaw and turn the tide of the war.
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