
- 1 mounted game board
- 110 Wooden Blocks
- 2 decks of Event cards, 55 cards each
- 1 Counter Sheet of Order Markers
- 2 Player summary sheets
- 1 game track sheet
- 8 Rule book
- 20 page campaign book
Each player controls either the Polish or Soviet forces on one front. For each session of Strike of the Eagle, you follow the steps below before playing:
The Track Sheet is placed next to the map where all players can see it. Each scenario specifies in which round it begins and ends. Place the Round Marker on the specified beginning phase. Place track counters on the Victory Points (VPs) track and the Northern and Southern Front Initiative tracks.
The Poles and the Soviets have their own unique card decks and order counters which are separated and shared by the allied players. The Polish cards and order counters have blue backs, the Soviet cards and order counters have red backs.
The reinforcement cubes are placed in a location accessible to all players.
Choose the scenario to play. The scenario sheet describes the map setup, block setup, and victory conditions.
Place a garrison counter on each Key City, controlling player side up.
Place the starting blocks on the map as listed in the scenario. A player's blocks are set up with their stats facing them and the blank sides facing their opponent(s). Blocks and their values are only revealed to the opponent during combat resolution, when resolving a 'Recon' order or when a leader's special ability is used.
Some blocks enter the game at later times and are placed on the Track Sheet's corresponding Operation Phase spaces as a reminder of when they enter the game.
Force Pool: All remaining blocks are kept in a pile next to the map. These blocks may be built during a Reinforcement Phase (8.4) or used to create detachments when resolving moves. Blocks destroyed in battle are placed back into the force pool.

Game Play
A scenario lasts for a specified number of rounds. Each round is divided into a Replenish Cards Phase, five identical Operation Phases, and lastly a Reinforcements Phase.
Replenish Cards Phase: Players draw 6 new cards at the beginning of each round. After drawing the cards, the round marker is advanced to the first Operation Phase space.
Operation Phases 1 - 5: Each round has 5 Operation Phases. During each phase players will place orders, execute these orders and resolve battles. They then check for supply, award victory points and finally advance the round marker to the next Operation Phase. This progression is played through five times, after which play continues on to the Reinforcement Phase.
Reinforcement Phase: Players may now strengthen blocks already on the map (8.3) and/or build new blocks with the reinforcement cubes that they may have collected at the beginning of each Operation Phase and/or from Strategic Cities that they control
The round marker is advanced to the next round's Replenish Cards Phase and so on until the scenario is over. The player(s) that meet the scenario's victory conditions wins.
Replenish Cards Phase
Each round begins with players replenishing their card hand by drawing 6 new cards from their specific decks. They then must discard down to a maximum of 7 cards, if they have cards remaining from the previous round.

The sequence of placing and executing orders is determined by the player(s) with initiative. Each front has its own initiative track. Initiative is gained and lost as the game progresses.
Scenarios list the starting initiative values, which are tracked with two sided counters. A counter is placed face up with the emblem of the player with initiative.
The player with initiative decides who places the first order during each Operation Phase and then who executes each order type first.
Initiative changes when:
Certain Event Cards are played.
Battles are Fought. The player with initiative gains an initiative point if he wins a battle and inflicts more SP losses on his opponent than his current initiative level.
The player with initiative loses an initiative point for each battle that he loses, no matter the size of the loss.
After each battle, the initiative level cannot increase or decrease by more than 1 point.
There are no '0' values on the initiative tracks. A player with a '1' initiative that loses a battle simply flips the marker to the opponent's emblem side up.

Operation Phases 1-5
The following progression is played through 5 times per round. After each phase has been played through, the round marker is advanced to the next phase.
Increase Orders or Collect Reinforcement Cubes
At the beginning of each Operation Phase, players may play one card out of their hand for each front they control. They may use this card to increase the number of orders that they may give that phase or to collect reinforcement cubes or to play its Historical Event. A player is not required to play a card.
- The non-initiative player chooses if he will play a card. If he chooses to play one, he plays it face down.
- Then the Initiative player does the same.
- The non-initiative player reveals his card and announces which section of the card he will use (reinforcements, orders, events, etc.
- Initiative player does the same.
Each player can play his card to do one of the following:
Increase the Number of Orders
He may give his blocks during this Operation Phase by an amount equal to the blue Orders Number printed in the top left corner of his card. Without playing this card, a player may place only two orders during this Operation Phase, one of which must be a "Recon" order.
Collect Reinforcement Cubes.
A player may play a card from his hand to collect Reinforcement Cubes. Each card has a number of white, black and/or green squares printed on the bottom which represent the number of reinforcement cubes the player pulls and places in front of him. These cubes will strengthen his blocks or build new blocks at the end of the round.
Play a Historical Event.
Cards with a Historical Event may be played to resolve the event described on the card.
Cards are placed in the discard pile after use, unless if played as an event card, in which case the card is removed from the game.
Note: Players draw only 6 cards at the beginning of each round and must make them last for all 5 Operation Phases. The cards can run out quickly, and if not carefully used, players will not have cards to play in later operation phases of the round.
Place Order Markers
Players alternate placing order markers face down on areas on the map. Each player may place 2 orders on each front he controls, one of which must always be a 'Recon' order. The number of orders that may be placed on a front can be increased by playing a card to increase orders at the beginning of the operation phase.
On each front, the player with initiative chooses which player places the first order. (Usually he chooses his opponent).
The number of order counters for each country provided in the game is listed next to the order.

Forced March To (x5): This order may be placed on an empty, friendly occupied or enemy occupied area within at least one friendly block's forced march range. Blocks may be forced marched to the area from different directions. A block may only execute a 'Forced March To' order if the target area is in its movement range.
Forced March Out (x5): This order must be placed on friendly block(s). These blocks may force march out to different areas.
Forced march blocks receive a bonus move, increasing the range up to 2 areas for infantry and up to 3 areas for cavalry.
All forced march blocks must begin the phase in-supply (7.7). Blocks that forced march fight at half-strength rounded down.
Hint: To help players remember which blocks forced marched, place a blank yellow marker next to these blocks.

Recon Area (x2): This order may be placed on any area within a range of 3 areas (even across enemy blocks) of any friendly infantry, cavalry or leader block. When the 'Recon' order is executed, the player may look at all enemy blocks located in that area.
Polish players may not place the Recon order on any of the Soviet Eastern Link cities of Yartsevo, Klintsy or Elizavetgrad.

Move To (x5): This order may be placed on an empty, friendly occupied or enemy-occupied area within at least one friendly block's movement range.
A block may only execute a 'Move To' order if it begins the phase in-supply and the target area is in its movement range.

Move Out (x5): This order must be placed on friendly block(s). These blocks may move out to different areas.
'Move Out' blocks need NOT begin in-supply. Infantry may move 1 area and cavalry up to 2 areas. Blocks with move orders fight at their full strength.

Withdraw (x2): This order must be placed on friendly block(s) and is carried out only if enemy blocks enter the area. All friendly blocks must withdraw without going through a battle procedure and lose 1SP from any one block.
Blocks must move to a Friendly Area is an area with no enemy units and a clear path to a Supply Depot. If no such area exists, the blocks cannot retreat and they must stand and fight. They still lose 1SP in addition to any normal combat results.
Cavalry withdraws and ignore the 1SP withdrawal penalty if attacked only by infantry blocks.
Blocks may execute 'Forced March', 'Move', and 'Withdraw' orders via roads and/or rails.

Defend Area (x5): This order must be placed on friendly block(s). These blocks hold a defensive stance, waiting for an enemy attack. Such blocks fight at full strength.
During battle, no matter from which direction he is attacked, the defender:
- Ignores the loss of 1SP and
- Negates one flank attack penalty
These benefits are cumulative with fortifications (1.2) printed on the map. A 'Defend Area' order benefits the entire force in battle even if some friendly blocks just entered the area, provided that at least one block began the operations phase in the area.

Reorganization (x2): Only one block in an area can execute this order. It must begin in-supply and may not move during this phase. This block will gain 1SP.
If attacked, the order is revealed and the block fights at half-strength rounded down. If the player wins, the block may reorganize and gain the 1SP.

Rail Transport (x1): This order must be placed on friendly in-supply block(s) with no other orders. Up to four blocks that have not moved this phase may each move up to 8 areas along rail lines only. These areas must be in-supply and clear of enemy blocks. The blocks may be sent to different locations.
Multiple Orders: More than one order may be placed in an area , but never two of the same type of order. A player need not place all of his allowable order allotment. Un-placed orders are wasted and are not saved for the next Operation Phase.
An order may only be place if at least one block can execute it. So 'Forced March', 'Move' and 'Defend' orders must be able to be carried out by at least one block at the time of placement and may not be ignored once placed.
Order Marker Limits: Order Markers are limited and allied players must manage them, since they may not place more than are supplied in the game.
Execute Orders
Orders are revealed and executed consecutively.
All 'Forced March To' and 'Forced March Out' orders are revealed and executed in any order by one player, then the other.
Then the 'Recon' order is revealed and executed by one player, then the other.
Then all 'Move To' and 'Move Out' orders are revealed and executed in any order by one player, then the other.
Then all 'Withdraw' orders are revealed and executed by one player, then the other.
Then resolve Battles with 'Defend Area' orders being revealed.
Then all 'Reorganization' orders are revealed and executed by one player, then the other.
Then all 'Rail Transport' orders are revealed and executed by one player, then the other.
The player with initiative decides which player reveals and executes each type of order first. At least one block must execute a placed order, if possible.
If blocks are unable to follow a placed order, the order goes unfulfilled, is taken off the map and is returned to the order pool.
A block may not execute a 'Forced March To' or 'Move To' order, if it cannot fully execute it.
Note: You are not allowed to move "towards" an order and come up short, due to entering an area containing enemy units.
A block may execute only one order per Operation Phase. 'Defend Area' orders are not executed and are all revealed at the beginning of the Battles stage.
Executing Movement and Recon Orders
Blocks move from one area to the next via roads or rails. The only difference between roads and rails is that blocks moving with 'Rail Transport' orders can do so only over rails. All blocks can use either roads and/or rails for all other types of movement.
Infantry blocks move 1 area per 'Move' order and up to 2 areas per 'Forced March' order. Cavalry may move up to 2 areas per 'Move' order and up to 3 areas per 'Forced March' order.
Blocks moving into an enemy occupied area engage in battle and must stop on the road/rail leading into the area. This helps the players remember from which direction the blocks are attacking. 'Recon' orders are executed after 'Forced March' and before 'Move' orders.
Attacking and Defending Blocks
A player starting with a block or having a friendly garrison in a contested area is considered the defender. If a contested area was empty at the beginning of the phase, the first player to have moved a block into the area is the defender.
Blocks moving into an area pin an equal number of opposing blocks for battle. Unpinned blocks may still execute their own orders. These unpinned blocks may not move along a road or rail occupied by incoming enemy blocks.
If there is more than one possible way to reach an area within a block's movement range, the player may choose the path.
A block with a 'Forced March' or 'Move' order that cannot move because it is surrounded by enemy blocks, stays in place.
Units that force march into a Fortification (1.2) or an area with units that have "Defend Area" orders still fight at strength for combat purposes.
No more than four friendly blocks may end an Operation Phase in an area. Garrison counters do not count towards this limit.
An area may be attacked or defended by more than 4 blocks, but a maximum of 4 blocks per side may enter a battle area along any one road or rail.
Units can move freely through a friendly area with 4 blocks in it as long as they finish their move elsewhere within stacking limits. Stacking limitations are only enforced at the end of each Operations Phase.
Soviet Eastern Links have no stacking limits and may not be entered by enemy forces.
Flank Attacks
When enemy blocks attack an area from multiple directions, it is considered a flank attack. The first enemy block(s) to move into an
area is considered the primary attack. Every additional enemy attack that enters the battle from a different road and/or rail than the primary attack is considered a flank attack.
The defender is penalized -2SP against his Combat Value for each flank attack. The attacker is never penalized if the defender enters the battle from more directions than he does.
Fortifications and 'Defend Area' orders each negate one flank attack penalty. Supporting Blocks are friendly blocks moving into a defended area. Supporting blocks negate one flank attack penalty for each separate direction they enter the area.
A battle occurs when opposing blocks or garrisons end in the same area after all 'Forced March', 'Move' and 'Withdraw' orders have been executed. Each battle is resolved separately with the battle having the least number of engaged blocks being resolved first and so on.
If multiple battles are of the same scale, the player with initiative on that front determines the order in which the battles will be resolved.

Resolving Battles
Battle results are simultaneous for both players. Each player begins a battle by playing an optional Battle Event card if they choose to, then each player must play a mandatory Combat Modifier card.
Battle Card: At the beginning of each battle, a player may play a single Battle Card from his hand for its Battle effect. The text on the card describes how the battle will be influenced. The attacker decides if he will play a card first, followed by the defender. They both place their cards face down in front of them.
Combat Modifier Card: Each player participating in the battle must play a card that will modify their Combat Value. Players either play a card that is blindly drawn from their deck or a card from their hand.
Players increase their force's Combat Value by the red Combat Modifier number listed in the top right corner of the card. The attacker decides which card he will play first, followed by the defender. Both players then reveal the cards simultaneously.
A combat card played from a player's hand has its listed combat modifier value increased by one.
Both players now reveal their blocks, Battle Cards and Combat Modifier cards. They determine their Combat Value by summing:
+The Strength Points (SPs) of all of their blocks in the battle. (Forced Marched and Reorganizing blocks fight at 1/2 strength). + 1SP if a garrison counter is present in the area.
+The combat modifier from the played or drawn Combat card.
-2SP Flanking penalties.
(Remember: Fortifications, 'Defend' orders, and supporting forces each negate one flanking penalty).
A player finds his Combat Value on the top row of the Combat Chart. The red number directly below his Combat Value is the number of SP losses inflicted on his opponent.
Players modify their SP losses for:
- Defender occupying a Fortification lose 1SP less.
- Defender occupying an area with a 'Defend Area' order lose 1SP less.
- Any played Battle Card effects.
- Any Reaction Cards they wish to play at this time.
Players simultaneously take losses to their blocks. If a garrison is present, it takes the first loss and is removed from the map. Next, losses are taken from the strongest remaining block one SP at a time.
1SP blocks that take a SP loss are destroyed, removed from the board and placed in the Force Pool. These blocks can be rebuilt during the Reinforcements Phase.
A player DOES NOT receive VPs for destroying his opponent's blocks in combat.
Reminder: Players may play Reaction Cards at any time, if allowed in its event description.
The side, which takes the most losses, loses the battle. If there is a draw, the attacker loses the battle. Losing blocks have to retreat first.
Retreating after a Battle
A defender that lost a battle must retreat all blocks together to an area adjacent to the battle area that has the shortest clear path to a friendly Key City, irregardless from which direction they entered the battle.
If this is not possible, due to enemy blocks being present, the blocks must move to an adjacent area with the next shortest clear path to a friendly key city and so on.
The blocks may not retreat along a road or rail blocked by enemy blocks. If the defender must retreat more blocks than can stack in the first retreat area, the excess blocks retreat to the next area with the shortest clear path to a friendly key city and so on.
Encirclement: Blocks with no area to retreat to are eliminated and are permanently removed from the game. They are not put into the Force Pool and may not be rebuilt in later Reinforcement Phases.
An attacker that lost a battle must retreat his blocks to the areas adjacent to the battle area that they individually came from. If a block(s) cannot retreat to the area it came from, due to the area being enemy occupied or overstacked, it is eliminated.
A player receives 1VP for each of his opponent's blocks eliminated due to not being able to retreat.
Advancing after a Battle
After defeated blocks have retreated from the battle area, the winning attacking player may decide if any blocks that participated in the battle stay in the battle area or return to the area adjacent to the battle they came from.
He must keep at least one block in the battle area. Over-stacked winning blocks in an area must pull back to the areas they came from before the battle.
Great Victory
If the winner of a battle inflicts 4SPs or more of real losses on his opponent, then he immediately receives 1VP. Real Losses are actual SPs removed from enemy blocks.
When all battles have been resolved, play continues on to execute the 'Reorganize' orders.
Execute Reorganize Orders
All 'Reorganize' orders are executed by increasing one block's strength by 1SP. The block may not have moved this phase.
Execute Rail Transport Orders
Up to four blocks in an area with a 'Rail Transport' order may be moved up to 8 areas away via rails only. They may not transport into areas with enemy blocks and/or garrisons.
Their destination area must be able to trace a clear 3 area path to a friendly Supply Depot. Blocks from the same starting area may rail transport to different destination areas.
The blocks to be rail transported may not have moved in this Operation Phase or fought in a battle.
Check Supply
At the end of each Operation Phase, players check if their blocks are in-supply by tracing a clear path to a friendly Supply Depot.
Friendly Supply Depots supply all of a player's infantry blocks within a 3 area path and cavalry blocks within a 5 area path, clear of enemy blocks.
Out of Supply

Out of supply blocks (not leaders) are marked with an "Out of Supply" counter and immediately lose 1SP each.
Out of supply blocks can only execute 'Move Out', 'Withdraw', or 'Defend Area' orders. 1SP blocks that take a loss due to being out of supply are eliminated and are permanently removed from the game. They may not be rebuilt at a later time.
A player receives 1VP for each of his opponent's blocks eliminated due to being out of supply.
Note: A player receives VPs for his opponent's eliminated 'out of supply' and 'no retreat' (7.42) blocks. He does not receive VPs for blocks destroyed in battle.
This is because a block destroyed in battle represents a defeated army that is temporarily no longer battle ready. Blocks eliminated due to 'no supply' or 'no retreat' have lost their equipment and represent a completely disbanded or captured army.
Out of supply garrisons are removed from key cities.
Victory Points (VPs)
VPs are won by:
- Taking control of key cities.
- Playing certain Event cards.
- Eliminating opponent's blocks for having no routes of retreat after a battle.
- Winning Great Victorie.
- Eliminating opponent's blocks for being out of supply.
- Gaining scenario specific victory objectives.
There is one VP tracking counter with either a Polish or Soviet symbol on each side. Only one side has a VP advantage at any one time. This advantage changes when a side's VPs drops below 1.
Begin Next Phase
The round marker is advanced to the next Operation Phase space. After 5 Operation Phases, the round marker is advanced to the Reinforcement Phase.
Reinforcements and leaders are not used in this scenario.

Reinforcement Phase Overview
During the Reinforcement Phase players first replace garrisons.
They then may combine blocks, followed by strengthening and building new blocks. Blocks may not be detached (2.2) during this phase.
Replace Garrisons
Any player that occupies an in-supply key city with no garrison may now place a friendly garrison in that key city at no cost.
Key cities that are unoccupied or not in-supply do not get a garrison during this Reinforcement Phase.
Combine Blocks
A Division block may absorb other Brigade or Division blocks if they all occupy the same area. The absorbed Division and/or Brigade block(s) is removed from the map and its SPs are added to the remaining Division block's SPs.
Reminder: Blocks may be detached during any 'Move' or
'Forced March' order, but may only be combined during the Reinforcement Phase.
Strengthen Blocks
Players may now spend the Reinforcement Cubes that they collected during the Operation Phases to increase the strength of in- supply blocks. A player may increase the strength of a block up to its maximum strength by spending 1 cube for each 1SP increase. He rotates the block to reflect the gain in SPs.
Front Line Reinforcements
Blocks in a front line area (an area next to an enemy held area) may only increase one block's strength by 1SP during the entire reinforcement phase.
Build New Blocks
Blocks in the force pool may be built and placed on a friendly Supply Depot. A player spends 1 cube to build a 1SP Brigade and 2 cubes to build a 1SP Division. A newly built block may not be strengthened beyond 1SP during the reinforcement phase in which it was built.
Note: Divisions cost more to build, since they are better trained and outfitted. They thus have the potential to be strengthened to full 3SPs or 4SPs blocks, may create detachments (2.2) and may have other blocks combine with them.
Blocks that were eliminated due to 'no retreat' or 'out of supply' have been removed from the game and may not be rebuilt.
Unspent Reinforcement Cubes may be saved for the next round.
Strategic Reinforcements

Some key cities have Strategic Reinforcement squares printed above them on the map. If a player controls such a city and it is in-supply, then he may pull the number of cubes printed. The player must immediately spend these Strategic Reinforcement cubes and may not save them for future rounds.
Strategic Reinforcements may only be used to reinforce blocks on the same front as the strategic key city they originated from. New built blocks must be placed on the key city the Strategic Reinforcement cubes originated from.
Lithuanian Strategic City: If the Lithuanians are allied to Russia, by playing Historical Event card 23, then the Soviet player may use the Kaunas Strategic Reinforcements for Lithuanian blocks only.
Leader Blocks
Leader blocks represent a headquarter battalion and have 1SP for combat purposes. Leader blocks combat, move and stack the same as cavalry blocks.
Leader blocks are always in supply.
Leaders destroyed in battle are eliminated, are permanently removed from the game and are worth 1VP.
Leaders that lose a battle and cannot retreat are considered captured, are permanently removed from the game and are worth 2VPs.
Each leader has the ability to give a unique order that he can use once per round (not per Operation Phase). When a player issues a leader order, he reveals the leader to his opponent, rotates the leader block 1/4 turn (so that he remembers that the ability has been used for that round), and then executes the order.

Jozef Pilsudski
May give anyone order within 2 areas of his position up to Resolve Battles.

Mikhail Tukhachevsky
May give any one order within 2 areas of his position up to Resolve Battles.

Wladyslaw Sikorski
May 'Recon' any area within 2 areas of his position at any time during an Operation Phase. The Recon takes place immediately.

Semyon Budyonny
May give a 'Forced March Out' order to blocks in his area up to Resolve Battles. These blocks fight at full strength.

Jozef Haller
May give a free 'Defend Area' order to any area within 2 areas of his position up to Resolve Battles.

Josef Stalin
May immediately reorganize a block by 1SP in his area on the southern front only up to Resolve Battles.
A leader may give and execute an order up to Battle Resolutions. None may be given once battles are being resolved (except for Sikorski's 'Recon' order).
A Leader Order can be given to any block(s) that does not have an order. Or a Leader Order can be given to a block(s) that already
has an order, which is countermanded and taken off of the map to be replaced by the new Leader Order.
A Leader Order is executed when that player next has order execution initiative. The order may only be executed by blocks that have not executed any other order already this phase.
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