One-time Bombs
Bombs blow up for good after the initial explosion.
Attacker Advantage #1
When pieces of equal rank battle, the attacking piece wins.
Attacker Advantage #2
The attacking piece Is always increased In strength by one rank.
Reduce the number of pieces in the game
Start the game with a reduced army.
Open-faced Stratego
During the game, the identity of every piece is known to both players. Alternately, pieces remain face-up once their identity is revealed.
Change The Playing Field
Play on a board which has hexagons, or pentagons, instead of squares.
Moveable Bombs
The Bombs can move, just like your officers.
Resurrection / Rescue
Advancing to your opponent's back row rescues an officer.
Pieces can only advance... They cannot retreat!
Like a chess pawn, pieces can only advance.
Use dice to determine the victor when two pieces "strike"
The outcome of each battle is never a sure-thing.
Diagonal Movement
Pieces are able to move diagonally.
Mercenary Stratego
One must first purchase the army you wish to use, with a fixed amount of money. The pieces are either purchased outright or both players bid on the pieces they would like to use.
Unknown Victor
The identity of the higher-ranking piece remains a secret.
Bring The Flag Home
A little twist on the capture-the-Flag theme.
Silent Offense / Defense
Just one of the two players reveal the rank of their piece.
Swapping Places
After the initial setup, three of your pieces swap places with three of your opponent's pieces.
Rearranging your opponent's men
You and your opponent rearrange x number of each others men.
Random Setup
Your entire piece setup is completely random! A dice roll determines how many changes you can make after the random setup is complete.
"Cheating" is allowed
You and your opponent may lie about the identity of your pieces... but only at the cost of a penalty if your opponent calls you on it.
The All-powerful And Yet All-weak Spy
The Spy defeats any officer it attacks!
Pieces are randomly placed face down and then only revealed to both players when two pieces come in contact.
Random-open Faced
Pieces are randomly placed face down but then turned face up before play begins.
Turn The Board Sideways
The board is turned sideways.
Two Set Grab Bag
A random configuration of two sets is used.
Unlimited Spy Movement
The movement powers of the Spy is now identical to that of the Scout.
Two squares on the playing board are designated as teleports.
Scouts can strike from Afar
When playing with the rule that states the winning piece is moved immediately into the empty square formerly occupied by the losing piece, the Scout may attack from afar, thus allowing the Scout to "drag" enemy pieces across the board.
Bughouse Stratego
As in Bughouse Chess, the pieces you capture your partner can use on his board as his pieces.
Shogi Stratego
You can use captured pieces as your own.
Advanced Scouting
Scouts can move and pass through the eight 'water' squares.
Kinging Pieces
Pieces can only move forward and cannot retreat, but when they reach their opponent's back row, they are 'kinged' and now have backward and forward movement.
Jumping Pieces
Like checkers, to eliminate enemy pieces you must 'jump' them.
Moveable Flag
In this variation, the Flag can move like any other piece.
The Agile Captain
The Captain can move either one or two squares.
Change the starting position
Each player begins with 32 pieces, in two 4x4 sections, positioned diagonally from each other.
Diagonally moving sergeants
Each Sergeant can move an unlimited number of squares diagonally!
Hidden Land Mines
Prior to play, each player secretly designates two squares on his or her side of the board that contain a hidden land mine.
Dice determine the number of officers who move
Prior to moving, roll dice to determine how many officers you are allowed to move.
Taste of blood
A predetermined officer can continue attacking until dead!
Wrap-around Board
There are no edges... the board wraps around.
Striking Is Mandatory
Similar to the game of checkers, striking an opposing piece, if possible, is mandatory.
The Sly Spy
The Spy has the power to defeat the current highest-ranking piece on the board, whatever that piece might be.
Rock-paper-scissors Stratego
A variation on the game Rock-Paper-Scissors.
The Sly Flag
Not only can the Flag move, but if it reaches your opponent's back row, you win.
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