- Game Board
- 4 Robot Turtle Tiles
- 4 Jewel Tiles
- 4 Bug Tiles
- 4 Code Card Decks
- 20 Stone Walls
- 12 Ice Walls
- 4 Crates
- Instructions
Object of the Game
At the Start of the Game, the Turtle Mover (grownup) should read these rules out loud! for the turtle masters (kids):
"The goal of the game is to get your Robot Turtle to the matching colored Jewel! When you land on the matching Jewel you can pick it up. Everyone who gets their Jewel wins!"
Game Play
"You are the Turtle Master. On your turn, you will decide which way you want your Turtle to turn or move. Select one of your Code Cards and place it in front of you but don't move your Turtle". …