Don't lose hope! All is not lost on the Red November. The sub is stocked with a variety of equipment that could be just what the gnomes need to save the sub, or at least make their demise more pleasant.
Here is a list of all the different types of Item Cards a gnome may find on the Red November.

The active gnome gains a +3 bonus to a Fix Engine, Fix Oxygen Pumps, or Fix Reactor action this turn.
Engine Manual

The active gnome gains a +4 bonus to a Fix Engine action this turn.
Pump Manual

The active gnome gains a +4 bonus to a Fix Oxygen Pumps action this turn.
Reactor Manual

The active gnome gains a +4 bonus to a Fix Reactor action this turn.

The active gnome gains a +4 bonus to a Stop Missile Launch action this turn.
Fire Extinguisher

The active gnome may enter rooms that are on fire. He also gains a +3 bonus to an Extinguish Fire action this turn.

The active gnome gains a +3 bonus to an Unblock Hatch action this turn.
Water Pump

The active gnome gains a +3 bonus to a Pump Water action this turn.

The active gnome may reduce his intoxication level by a maximum of two.

The active gnome gains a +4 bonus to a Kill Kraken action this turn.

The active gnome may enter rooms that are on fire this turn. The active gnome also gains a +3 bonus to any fix-it action this turn.
But he must increase his intoxication level by one and make a Faint Check during the Faint Check Phase.
Lucky Charm

The active player may ignore the first three Event
Icons he encounters on the Time Track this turn. The Lucky Charm must be used before drawing Event Cards.

The active gnome may leave the sub through an external hatch and enter the sea space outside of the sub.
There is only enough air in the Aqualung to support a gnome for one action outside the sub.
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