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Rating: 6.8 Good
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 2-8 players
Playing time: 30 minutes

Official Site: Ferti - PitchCar

Created by: Jean du Poël, Jean du Poël

Published by: Ferti, Goldsieber Spiele, Historien Spiele Galerie (Historien Spielegalerie)

Alternate Names: Avus, Carabande, Carabande Audi-Edition, Rennspiel-Action


In pitch car, players pick a car, build a track and use the flick technique to propel their racing car to the finish line!

Take the best trajectories using the safety railings, remain on your wheels and don't get out of the track or the penalty won't be far! a beautiful creation, this dexterity game is made of wood and is composed of 16 portions of track, allowing you to make a multitude of different tracks!99

This game entry refers to two nearly identical games which are not compatible with one another.

PitchCar and Carabande are dexterity games where large, wooden, puzzle-like pieces are used to construct a race track that looks very similar to a slot car track when finished.

But instead of using electrons, players use finger-flicks to send small pucks around the track, a la Carrom.999

Retail Price:$78
PitchCar Extension
PitchCar Extension 2
PitchCar Extension 5: The Cross
PitchCar Extension 6
More (2)
UK Games Expo Special Award Winner 2007
Tric Trac Nominee 2003
Spiel des Jahres "Dexterity Game" Winner 1996
Meeples' Choice Award 1996
Deutscher Spiele Preis Best Family/Adult Game 3rd Place 1996

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