2 Player Game
For a two player game of March of the Ants, follow these additional rules:
Play with the reverse side of The Great Tunnel.
Beginning with the Starting Player, each player takes two of the unused starting hexes at random. Each player chooses one hex and places it connected to The Great Tunnel.
Each player starts with three ants in the placed hex, and three larvae in their Larvae Chamber, and two food in their Food Stores, and two cards.

After one player Rests, the other player gets one final turn before the Worker Phase ends.
The player may take any one action including Rest. That player keeps the Active Player Marker and will be the Starting Player in the next Worker Phase.
Inner Meadow Hexes
Inner Meadow hexes must be connected to The Great Tunnel to be scored. Each player gains colony points only for hexes they control that are connected by tunnels to The Great Tunnel.
Colony Goals
Goals that compare resources to each neighbor compare only to the other player. If a player has more of that resource than the other player they meet the goal's objective and gain the points.
If player A has epic Stores and has two food during Slumber, while player B has only one food. Player A would gain two colony points.

5 Player Game
For a five player game of March of the Ants, follow these rules:
Include all 8 starting hex tiles.
In a five player game only the immediate neighbors of the Active Player may take Reactions to that player's action.
If player C chooses to explore, players B and D may both take the Reaction and place a larva in a hex they inhabit. Players A and e may not take the Reaction.
Card effects that target all players affect all players.
In a five player game, play in the Worker Phase continues until three players Rest. The Worker Phase ends immediately when a third player chooses to Rest. The third player to Rest keeps the Active Player Marker and will be the Starting Player in the next Worker Phase.
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