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Rating: 5.2 Moderate
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 3-6 players
Playing time: 35 minutes

Created by: Dugald Keith

Published by: Buffalo Games


Likewise! the laughable, lively, like minded party game - a thought-provoking game where it pays to think alike.

In this game, individuals are presented with a random pairing of a Description (adjective) and Subject(noun) Cards. With 71 cards of each, there are over 5,000 possible combinations.

The pairing might be "Exotic - Car", "Massive - Breakfast Food, " "Pathetic - Celebrity", "Mysterious - Politician", or something like that. Next, players write down or doodle their answers in secret or in pairs (depending on the roll of the mode die).

Finally, they flip their paddles, revealing their answers (and a little bit about themselves, in a way). Matching answers move ahead on the scoreboard and the first to the winner's circle is declared the champ.

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