Larry, Moe, and... ? Don't Worry, Be. ? Crouching Tiger, Hidden. ?
If you answered, "Curly", "Happy", and "Dragon", well done! You just completed an easy Expression card, and can advance your pawn 1 space.
Finish all of the common expressions on a card face to move around the gameboard.
Easy, right?
Throw in a few Challenge cards to spice things up, and you get a game full of surprises! But don't take too long to answer, because the clock is?
- 202 double-sided Expression cards
- 18 Challenge cards
- 5 pawns
- 1 sand timer
- 1 modular board
- 1 carrying bag
- Rulebook
Object of the Game
Get your team to guess the endings for common expressions, in order to advance your pawn and finish the race first. …