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Rating: 7 Good
Players: 2-6 players
Playing time: 20 minutes

Created by: Alexandre Droit, Maxim Cyr

Published by: Albi, Gigamic


Players in Gloobz need to act quickly to grab the right things from the table before anyone else can.

Seven plastic items start in the middle of play: three paint cans (blue, red, yellow), three critters (triangular, square, round) and one boss gloob that is all colors and shapes.

On a turn, a player calls either "more" or "less", then flips the top card of the deck. Depending on what's called, players race to grab the items that correspond to the color and shape most (or least) visible on the card, scoring one point for each item correctly grabbed.

If a magnifying glass appears on the card, players can grab anything they want. If the boss shows up, just grab him and score three points if you do.

The number of points needed to win depends on the number of players.

Retail Price:$0
Golden Geek Best Children's Board Game Nominee 2014

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