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Skill Cards

Here you can find a detailed explanation of the skill cards.

  • Equipment Manager

    Receives 6 dice and 4 equipment cards at the start of the game. You choose 2 equipment cards and put the rest under the draw pile.

    SKILL: You can give your own equipment cards to your teammates at any time. You do not need to be on the same landscape or village card. You may still pass equipment with a broken arm.

  • Scout

    Receives 5 dice and 2 equipment cards at the start of the game.

    SKILL: May move up to 4 cards. If you do so, you cannot perform a reroll ) during phase (3 (rerolls).

  • Buddy

    Receives 6 dice and 1 equipment card at the start of the game.

    SKILL: In phase 3 (rerolls) you may set aside 1 of your dice. You get it back at the end of the round. The other players can see the result of the removed die.

  • Survivalist

    Receives 5 dice and 1 equipment card at the start of the game.

    SKILL: Receives one additional reroll in Phase 3.

  • Gatherer

    Receives 6 dice and 1 equipment card at the start of the game.

    SKILL: Each time you pass on a reroll that you would have been allowed to do, you receive a power bar as a reward (but you can only have a maximum of 3 power bars).

    In phase (Movement and stamina) you can discard as many power bars as you like to increase your own movement value, or that of a teammate, by 1 for each power bar. It increases the total movement value, not the value of a single die!

    This effect only applies during one player's turn. As soon as the next player starts their turn in Phase 5, the effect of this card will expire again!

  • Tinkerer

    Receives 5 dice and 3 equipment cards at the start of the game. Choose 1 equipment card and put the rest under the draw pile.

    SKILL: You may use your equipment cards twice. After the first use, you tap the card to a 90° angle. After the second use, you discard it onto the discard pile. If the Tinkerer loses this ability, they must immediately discard all already-used (1x) equipment cards.

Equipment Cards

Here you can find a detailed explanation of the Equipment cards.

  • Binoculars

    You can swap any two land cards (not village cards). The two cards must be completely empty, so they cannot contain any game pieces, destination markers, equipment markers, or eruption markers.

  • First Aid Kit

    You will not lose any stamina during the current round. If the difference between your movement value and that of your neighbors is less than or equal to 0, you still cannot move your character.

  • Lighter

    A teammate may give you 1 die. You are not allowed to rotate it. You must treat this die as your own until the end of the round.

    At the end of the round you return the die to your teammate.

    No more than 1 die can be handed over through the usage of the lighter.

  • Shovel

    You may turn 1 of your dice to any side.

  • Carabiner

    Each of you must reroll exactly 1 die. It is not optional.

  • Rope

    You can immediately move your character to an adjacent land card. If there is an equipment marker there, you may draw an equipment card.

    Using the rope in Phase 2 may change the number of rerolls you are entitled to.

    In phase 4, the rope is only useful if it is already foreseeable that you will not be allowed to move otherwise.

  • Map

    You may give 1 of your dice to another player (they cannot refuse).

    You are not allowed to rotate the die. The other player treats this die as their own until the end of the round. Afterwards, you get back the die.

  • Duct Tape

    You can turn any number of dice showing the number "1" to the other side, so that they show a "6".

    You do not have to change all "1s".

  • Flare Gun

    During your turn in phase 5 (movement and stamina), your movement value increases by 3. Your movement value does not increase during the turns of your two neighbors.

  • Compass

    You can turn any number of dice showing the number "6" to the other side, so that they show a "1".

    You do not have to change all "6s".

  • Flash Light

    You may make a reroll during phase 2 (planning & equipment). In contrast to the rerolls in phase 3, you may continue the discussion after this reroll, as well as relocating your destination markers.

    You still need to follow the communication rules.

  • Machete

    You may set aside up to 2 of your dice. You get them back at the end of the round. Put them next to the screen, so that all players can see them.

    In phase 5, these 2 dice do not count towards your dice results.

  • Pocket Knife

    You may copy (mimic) the effect of any outlying equipment card. The effect must be used in the phase specified on the copied card. Then the pocket knife is dropped (not the copied card).

  • Radio

    You may remove your screen until the end of the current phase, so all players can see your dice results.

    If the radio is used in phase 2, the screen must therefore be set up again before the rerolls.

  • Water

    You may use the card to perform up to 2 rerolls. Instead, you can use it to give 1 other player 1 reroll.

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