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Rating: 7.1 Good
Players: 2-5 players
Playing time: 60-190 minutes

Official Site: Forbidden Sky on

Created by: Matt Leacock, C. B. Canga

Published by: Gamewright, Reflexshop, Schmidt Spiele

Alternate Names: Le Ciel Interdit, A Tiltott Fellegek, Het Verlaten Luchtruim, HET VERLATEN STATION


Soar to dizzying heights in the electrifying cooperative adventure. Work as a team to explore a mysterious platform that floats at the center of a savage storm.

Connect a circuit of cables to launch a secret rocket - all before you are struck by lightning or blown off to the depths below. It's a high-wire act that will test your team's capacity for courage and cooperation. One false step and you all could be grounded…permanently!

This latest installment in the Forbidden... game series takes you to new heights with several novel challenges, including collectively planning a terrain using only limited information and constructing a real electrical circuit.

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