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Rating: 7.1 Good
Players: 1-5 players
Playing time: 45-216 minutes

Official Site: Flatline | Renegade Game Studios

Created by: Kane Klenko, Anita Osburn, Sean Thurlow

Published by: Renegade Game Studios


The flames are subsiding, the smoke is clearing, but your work is just beginning. You and your crew survived FUSE, but there is significant damage to your ship, there are injuries among your crew members, and the life support systems are failing.

As the ship's Medics, you must work together to treat the injured crew, while dealing with other emergencies that are being brought in at an unrelenting pace. You must work together, against the clock and against all odds, to treat all your patients before time runs out!

FLATLINE is a co-operative dice game set in the universe of the game FUSE. Players must roll their dice and work to combine them with other players in order to properly treat each patient.

Each round, players are racing against a one minute timer, and must deal with the needs of each patient, as well as other emergencies that are coming through the doors. Time is running out!

Flatline is a co-operative dice game set in the Fuse universe. Players must roll their dice and work to combine them with other players in order to properly treat arriving patients.

Every round, players race against a one-minute timer and must deal with the needs of wounded crew members as well as other emergencies within the ER. Time is running out!

Comes with a 4 Cards expansion promos for FUSE inside.

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  • 5-Piece Interlocking Board
  • 1 Life Support Dial
  • 1 Plastic Connector
  • 40 Medic Dice (8 in each of the 5 player colors)
  • 2 Emergency Dice
  • 20 Large Patient Cards
  • 29 Emergency Cards:
  • 4 Double-Sided Power Meters
  • 20 Cleared Line Tiles
  • 10 Power Cubes
  • 4 Lock-Down Tiles
  • 1 Player Aid
  • Rulebook

Object of the Game

To win the game, you and your team will need to treat all the patients before time runs out.


1 Before your first game, attach the Life Support Dial to the center board piece as shown in the illustration. Once attached, you will never need to separate these pieces again. …

Emergency Cards

Lost Assistance: Discard a card from the Triage Area of the board. The players may choose which card is discarded.

Setback: Choose a card in the Triage Area and move it back to the Stat Area.

Bathroom Break: Choose a player to lose two dice.

Regression: Remove a Cleared Tile from any Patient Card on the board.

No Help In Sight: You cannot use cards in the Triage Area. Place a Lock Down Tile on the + symbol on the board. …

  • Card icons will be different colors depending on where the affected card is.

    Green cards refer to cards in the Triage Area.

    Blue cards refer to cards in the Emergency Section

    Orange cards refer to cards in the Stat Section.

  • Discard a Card from the Triage Area. You may choose which card is discarded. If there are no cards in the Triage Area, this effect does not take place.

  • Lose a Die.

  • Remove a Cleared Line Tile from any Patient Card on the board. If there are currently no Cleared Line tiles on the board, then this effect does not take place. …

Q: Since we start with the life support connection with the diamond and move clockwise when resolving patient cards, is it ok to completely treat a patient even after we have resolved it? For example, we are resolving the last patient card and by treating it we can place a cleared tile. By placing that we have completed another patient card. Do we activate the space connected to the life support dial even though we have already resolved this patient card?

A: Yes. Patient cards can only be fully treated and activated during the Resolve Patient Cards phase, but the order does not matter. …

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