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Rating: 6.1 Fair
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 3-5 players
Playing time: 20 minutes

Created by: Friedemann Friese, Lars-Arne "Maura" Kalusky

Published by: 2F-Spiele, 999 Games, Edge Entertainment

Alternate Names: Félix: El Gato Encerrado, Felix: Il Gatto nel Sacco, Felix: Kočka v pytli, Felix: Um Saco de Gatos, Filou: Die Katze im Sack


Who does not know the colloquial expression "Buying the cat in the sack" ("Buying a pig in a poke")? In this game you can experience the meaning of this expression yourself. A group of cats wants new owners, but these lucky people do not know if they get some sweet pussycats or one or more mean old cats.

Sometimes only a dog is helpful, who chases the unwanted cats away. But then too many dogs are worse, too, because they only think about chasing themselves away. A clever auction game with many interesting decisions.

Idea of the game: With their mice, the players attempt to grab the famous cat in the sack. In the sack, there are both good and bad cats. Each player can also put a dog or rabbit into the sack instead of a cat, allowing players to bluff one another. At game end, all positive cats and mice count plus points, but negative cats count minus points.

Contents: 50 game cards, 4 mouse cards, 1 "cat in the sack" card, 1 start player marker, 76 mice money.

Retail Price:$36
Juego del Año Finalist 2011
Golden Geek Best Party Board Game Nominee 2008
Golden Geek Best Family Board Game Nominee 2008
Golden Geek Best Children's Board Game Nominee 2008
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