All of the introductory game rules apply. On top of them, however, there are other rules and game materials that come into play as well.
The scenarios are built on top of one another. All of the rules of scenario 1 also apply to scenario 2. And in scenario 3, the rules from scenarios 1 and 2 also apply, and so on.
That's why it's best to play the scenarios in the specified sequence. That way, you will gradually get to know all the rules. At the beginning of each scenario, you will set up the depicted game board pieces. Unlike in the introductory game, you will always begin with a starting capital of ten money tokens.
If you want to play the game with all of the rules right away, start by reading the rules for scenarios 1-4 and then play scenario 4.
Scenario 1: Unique Buildings

Unique buildings are special buildings that yield benefits but also require a lot of space.
Mix the ten Unique building cards into the appropriate Stage II and III piles (see back of card). The corresponding ten building tiles are placed face up next to the game board.
If a player draws a Unique building card, he or she places it in his or her display as usual. He or she is allowed to build this unique building as soon as it is his or her next turn.
After construction, the card is placed face up next to the administration board. As of now, the benefits stated on the card apply.
Exception: The "Opera house" and "Posh mall" yield a one-time benefit immediately following construction.A Unique building card can be exchanged just like a normal construction card and drawn from the exchange pile later on.
Note: That way, you can hold onto a building until a better time later on even if you don't yet have the room for it - without having the card block your display.
Scenario 2: The Role Cards

Each player receives a role with special abilities, which he or she can use as often as he or she wants during the game.
Start by shuffling the ten role cards. The starting player gets two cards and chooses one. Then, the next player, proceeding in the clockwise direction also gets two cards and chooses one. Continue like this until there is one card face up in front of every player.
Note: You can immediately read your selected role card out loud, in order to allow all the players to coordinate their selections better.
Cards that are not selected or distributed are returned to the box.
All players place their role cards face up next to their construction card displays.
Note: If you are playing with role cards for the first time, you can try distributing cards at random instead of choosing specific ones.
Scenario 3: The Policies Cards

Policies cards yield one-time benefits.
Mix the ten policies cards into the appropriate Stage II and Stage III piles (see back of card).
If a player draws a policies card, he or she places it face up in his or her display as usual.
A policies card can be played instead of a construction card when the player chooses the "Play a construction card" action. After the costs are paid and the card has been played, it is returned to the box. A building is not added to the board.
A policies card cannot be exchanged for a payment of two money tokens.
If you have not used your policies card by the end of the Milestone, you must discard it unused (into the box). You cannot carry it over into the next Milestone.
Scenario 4: The News Cards

For as long as they are in play, news cards yield disadvantages that limit your options.
Mix the ten news cards into the appropriate Stage II and Stage III piles (see back of card).
If a player draws a news card, he or she places it face up next to the game board. That player then draws another card as a replacement.
Note: It is helpful to place the news card in the play area indicated on the card, such as near the utilities board or next to the supply of corresponding tiles. The news has immediate effect.
There are two ways to get rid of a news card:
If another news card is drawn, the new one immediately replaces the old one, which goes into the box.
At the end of a Milestone, the current news card is placed in the box.
If a player draws a news card at the end of a Milestone during a card exchange, it is returned to the box without having any effect. The player draws a replacement card in exchange. If that one is a news card too, it likewise goes into the box, and so on.
Scenario 5: Lots of Variability

If you have already played a few games, this scenario offers you new challenges by varying the game board configurations.
In this scenario, all of the unique buildings and role, policies, and news cards get into the act.
The play area can be assembled in different ways as dictated by chance. Mix the game board pieces under the table and select four of them, which you may arrange however you like.
When assembling the play area, you must be sure to have land surfaces placed against land surfaces and water against water, or along the edge. Other than that, it is up to you to decide how to put the pieces together.
For example, you could arrange them in a 2x2 arrangement with a large lake in the middle, or with the water surfaces at the outside edges. Or you could arrange them in the shape of an L.You determine the level of difficulty of your game by choosing your starting capital: Beginner = 12 Money tokens, Advanced = 10 Money tokens, Expert = 8 Money tokens
All the previously described rules still apply.
Success Table
<0: Dying City
Half the population has already moved away, and the other half will leave as soon as they can.
0 - 10: City of no importance
Hardly anyone remembers this city. The residents are not proud to live here. They do not consider themselves fortunate to live in this city.
11 - 20: Ambitious City
This city could become something. Some day. Maybe.
21 - 30: Busy City
Things are starting to really get rolling here. There is construction activity all over the place. It might soon be a desirable place to live.
31 - 40: Showcase City
People like living here. When younger people move away, they later return with their families.
41 - 50: Boom City
This is a city for those who are going places, it is booming!
51 - 60: Grand City
Residents and tourists agree this is an amazing city. As soon as there is even a hint of a problem, it is tackled and solved.
61+: Heavenly City
Citizens absolutely love living in this city, and they wouldn't trade it for anywhere else in the world.
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