Score 3 points for each of your temples that are exactly 1 portage away from Thera. If the temple can be connected using Shipping Routes (the portage is not required), then that temple does not score any points.

Score 6 points for each of your temples that are exactly 2 or more portages away from Thera. Il the temple can be connected using Shipping Routes or fewer than 2 portages, then that temple does not score any points.

Score 3 points for each of your Temples that are not directly connected to islands with your other Temples. Islands are connected if you can move your boat from the dock on one island to a dock on the other island in I move. Islands connected only through the Thera board are not connected.

Score 2 points for each quadrant in which your temples are located. Divide the board right in the middle of the Thera board, as depicted on this Goal card. You can score 8 points at most with this card.

Score 1 point for each tile that makes up the biggest completed island on which you've placed a temple. A completed island is an island completely surrounded by water and to which no tiles may be added. The Thera board counts as 1 tile.

Score 2 points for each of your temples on uncompleted islands. An uncompleted island is an island to which one or more tiles may be added.

Score 4 points for each of your temples located on an island with no Terrain icons on it.

Score 2 points for each of your temples located on an island with a Volcano Terrain icon.

Score 2 points for each of your temples located on an island with a Lake Terrain icon.

Score 2 points for each of your temples located on an island with a Tree Terrain icon.

Score 2 points for each of your temples located on an island with a Mountain Terrain icon.

Score 3 points for each of your temples located on an island with at least 3 different Terrain icons on it.
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