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Rating: 8.2 Very Good
Players: 2-2 players
Playing time: 60-42 minutes

Created by: Trevor Benjamin, David Thompson (I), Roland MacDonald

Published by: Osprey Games


It's the summer of 1944 and the Allies have landed in Normandy. Now you must lead your platoon forward as you push deeper into France to gain a foothold and drive back the German forces.

You will face intense resistance, machine gun fire, and mortar bombardment, and it's up to you to turn the situation to your advantage. Take charge amidst the chaos of battle, hold fast in the face of opposition, and remain undaunted.

In Undaunted: Normandy you are in command of a rifle platoon, striving across a series of missions to claim and hold key objectives. Each scenario will have a different landscape of tiles, which you will have to master in order to claim the objectives and gain advantageous positions.

You will be playing cards from your personal deck to control your units, but as casualties mount you will have to aquire new cards to reinforce your dwindling forces.

Now you must lead your troops forward as you push deeper into France and drive the German forces back.

You will face intense resistance, machine gun fire, and mortar bombardment, but a great commander can turn the situation to their advantage!

Undaunted: Normandy is a deck-building game that places you and your opponent in command of American or German forces, fighting through a series of missions critical to the outcome of World War II.

Use your cards to seize the initiative, bolster your forces, or control your troops on the battlefield. Strong leadership can turn the tide of battle in your favor, but reckless decisions could prove catastrophic as every casualty you take removes a card from your deck. Take charge amidst the chaos of battle, hold fast in the face of opposition, and remain undaunted.

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