
- 7 Peasant meeples
- 3 Cottage meeples
- 2 Knight meeples
- 1 Troghammer meeple
- 1 Archer meeple
- 1 Flame Helmet meeple
- 6 Trogdor meeples
- 1 The Void card
- 36 Action cards
- 52 Movement cards
- 25 Map tiles
- 12 Keeper cards
- 12 Item cards
- Rulebook
Object of the Game
Players take turns controlling Trogdor as he burninates the countryside and dodges the wrath of his adversaries. To win the game, you must accomplish all of the following:
In so doing, you shall bring joy and satisfaction to your fellow Keepers of Trogdor, as well as the mysterious wingaling dragon hisself. But beware, for if Trogdor takes too much damage before achieving victory, the players lose the game.
Below are all the game components and brief instructions for setting up. More details on each component are given later.

Place the map tiles unburninated side up in the 5x5 grid shown above.
Place 3 Peasants, 2 Knights, and the Archer on the map. Place 3 Cottages unburninated side up on the Cottage tiles.
Place the Trog-Meter. Put the Troghammer, 4 Peasants, and Flame Helmet on it.
Set aside the 7 Troghammer cards for now, then shuffle the remaining 29 Action cards to form the Action Deck.
Shuffle the Movement cards to form the Movement Deck.
Place The Void.
Pick a Trogdor meeple and place it on the center tile. Now you can play!
Before Starting The First Turn, Give Each Player One Keeper, One Item, And One Action Card.

Keepers of Trogdor give you a unique special ability, as well as a sense of belonging.
Keeper powers are always active, but are effective on your turn only unless otherwise stated. Give each player one randomly or let players choose their favorites.

Items of the Keepers of Trogdor give you an additional special ability. Unlike the Keeper abilities which are always active, item abilities must be recharged before they can be used again.
Unless your item says otherwise, it can be used only once on each of your turns and recharged only on your turn. When you use your item, turn it sideways to show that it can't be used until it is recharged.
To recharge the item, you must satisfy the recharge condition on the item on your turn, then you may turn the item back to its original position.
Distribute these the same way as the Keepers.

Trogdor Action cards give you Action Points (AP) and a special ability that you can use for this turn. These special abilities may break the rules as you understand them, so do what the card says over any other rule in this book.
After playing it, discard that Action card, and keep any others you have.
Game Play
Determine randomly who will go first. You can do this alphabetically by Keeper, or by drawing straws, throwing darts, or pitching pennies.
Your turn consists of two phases. In the first phase, you control Trogdor and wreak havoc upon the lands. In the second phase, the lands fight back, and all the board elements do their thing.
Phase One: Trogdor's Actions
Step 1: Draw an action card

Start by drawing an Action card from the Action Deck and placing it beside your current one. If it is a Troghammer card, then draw another Action card.
If the Action Deck runs out of cards, don't reshuffle it.
Step 2: Play an action card
Choose one of your two Action cards and play it, then discard it. If you don't like either of your Action cards, discard one to gain 5 AP with no special ability.
Step 3: Use your action points
Spend an Action Point to Move, Chomp, Burrow, or Hide.
Move: Trogdor takes one step onto an adjacent tile.
Normally, Trogdor can only move North, South, East, or West, and he can't wrap around the edges of the board.
If Trogdor moves onto a Knight's tile, Trogdor takes one point of damage.
Chomp: Trogdor can gain health by chomping a Peasant who is on the same tile as Trogdor. The Peasant goes onto the Trog-Meter.
Burrow: Trogdor can move from one Tunnel tile to the other Tunnel tile.
Hide: Trogdor can hide on a Mountain tile to become impervious to Knight and Archer damage in the next phase. Lay Trogdor down for the rest of the turn to show that he is hiding.
Pass: Trogdor can give up Action Points he doesn't need.
Trogdor can spend an Action Point to burninate an unburninated Tile, Cottage, or Peasant.
Burninating a tile
Any unburninated tile can be burninated, except the Lake, which can't be burninated unless all adjacent tiles to the North, South, East, and West are burninated. When a tile is burninated, flip it to its burninated side.

Burninating a cottage

A Cottage can only be burninated if its own tile and all surrounding tiles, including diagonally adjacent tiles, are burninated. Flip the Cottage over to its burninated side.

Long-Range Burnination
Action cards that let you burninate a tile other than the one where Trogdor is standing ignore the usual burninating restrictions (for example, the Lake tile can be burninated regardless of the condition of its neighbors).
However, these cards apply only to tiles (not Cottages or Peasants) unless they say otherwise.
Burninating Peasants
When Trogdor burninates a Peasant, or if a Peasant walks into a tile that contains a burninated Cottage, that Peasant will immediately catch fire and run around igniting things, but will then go into the Void!

When a Peasant burninates,
start by crowning him with the Flame Helmet.
This is an important part of the ceremony, do not skip it.

Draw a card from the Movement Deck and use the movement path on the right (not the Peasant arrow). The flaming Peasant moves along that path, burninating every tile along the way if able (including its starting tile).
If the flaming peasant runs into the lake
(whether the Lake tile is burninated or not), the Peasant's fiery struggle ends, and he survives! (The flaming Peasant doesn't ignite an unburninated Lake tile).
If the flaming peasant runs into a tile with a cottage,
he burninates the tile, and burninates the Cottage if its surrounding tiles are burninated. If he ends his flaming run on an already burninated Cottage, draw a new Movement card and ignite him again!
If the flaming peasant runs into a tile with another peasant
that Peasant also burninates! This is true even if they both started on the same tile. Turn any subsequently burninated Peasant on his side.

When the previous Peasant is done with his Spree of burnination, pop the other back up and crown him with the Flame Helmet.
Draw a different movement path for each flaming Peasant, and finish dealing with the first burninated Peasant before the next one starts running.
After burninating, unless saved by the Lake, a burninated Peasant goes to the Void.
Phase Two: Board Actions
The denizens of Peasantry will not go down without a fight, and Trogdor would have it no other way. In the second phase of the turn, various board elements will take automatic actions, as described by a single card.
If you controlled Trogdor in Phase One, it is still your turn, so all the rules in Phase Two apply to you.
All enemies have "wraparound" movement, which means that if they move off the board, they return on the opposite side.

Step 1: Draw a movement card
To begin Phase Two, draw a card from the Movement Deck.
Step 2: Spawn the peasants
Sometimes the board wants more Peasants. Count the in the upper left corner of the Movement card. If the board already has at least this many Peasants, then it is satisfied. If not, move Peasants from the Trog-Meter to unburninated Cottages until the board is satisfied.

Each unburninated Cottage on a tile without a Peasant can spawn one Peasant. Therefore, the number of unburninated Cottages without Peasants on them is the upper limit of Peasants that can be spawned on a single turn. If multiple unburninated Cottages can spawn a Peasant, you decide which one spawns the new Peasant.
Zero Peasants:
This card is satisfied, so no new Peasants spawn.
One Peasant:
This card is satisfied, so no new Peasants spawn.
Two Peasants:
The board wants one more Peasant. You decide where it spawns.
Three Peasants:
The board wants two more Peasants. Each unburninated Cottage produces one.
Four Peasants:
The board wants three more Peasants, but only two can spawn: one Peasant at each unburninated Cottage.
Step 3: Move the peasants

The Peasants arrow in the lower left of the Movement card shows a compass direction. Move all Peasants one step in that direction.

Peasants Repair Tiles: If the Peasants arrow says "Move & Repair", then the Peasants also unburninate any burninated tiles they stop on.
Step 4: Move the knights
Move example:

The Knights (including the Troghammer, if he is in play) use the movement path on the right side of the card. They all technically move at the same time, but move them one at a time to keep it simple.
Knights Repair Cottages: If a Knight starts on, moves through, or stops on a tile with a burninated Cottage, the Knight repairs that Cottage to its unburninated state.
Knights Damage Trogdor: If a Knight enters Trogdor's tile, or vice versa, Trogdor takes one point of damage. Move one Peasant from the Trog-Meter onto the Void. If the Trog-Meter has no Peasants left when you try to remove a Peasant, the damage defeats him.
If a Knight starts on the same tile as Trogdor, the damage was already done when they met, so it doesn't happen again.
If Trogdor is hiding or has some sort of damage prevention against Knights, he takes no damage from the Knights.
Step 5: Move the archer

Next, the Archer moves and shoots, using the same movement path as the Knights. The Archer doesn't damage Trogdor by entering his tile, but instead fires arrows, forward and backward, in the direction of the Archer's last step.
For example, if the Archer's last step is East, then the Archer fires arrows East and West, and Trogdor takes one point of damage if he's in that path.
The arrows' path does not include the Archer's tile.
If Trogdor is hiding or has some sort of damage prevention against the Archer, he takes no damage from the Archer.
Step 6: End your turn
The turn passes to the player on your left.
The Troghammer is a third knight, way cooler looking than the first two, who has the ability to move during BOTH phases of your turn.

The Troghammer cards should be removed from the Action Deck at the start of the game. Shuffle them into the deck the first time Trogdor takes damage after getting hit by a Knight or Archer.
Drawing a Troghammer Card:
If the Troghammer is not on the board yet when you draw a Troghammer card, place him in the center tile from the Trog-Meter. If the Troghammer is already in play when you draw a Troghammer card, you move him.
If you draw more than one Troghammer card on the same turn, you move the Troghammer each time.
Moving the Troghammer:
The Troghammer moves any time his card is drawn from the Action Deck and also whenever the other Knights do.
To move the Troghammer, draw a card from the Movement Deck and use its movement path, then ignore the rest of this card and discard it. If he spawns on or stops on a tile with a Knight or Archer, move him again!
Trogdor Takes Damage
Trogdor starts with four Peasants on his Trog-Meter, representing his health. If Trogdor chomps a Peasant, he gains health! Move that Peasant from the board to the Trog-Meter.

When Trogdor takes damage, move one Peasant from the Trog-Meter to the Void. If the Troghammer cards are still set aside, shuffle them in.
Losing a Peasant when it spawns onto the board is not damage, so the effects that are triggered by damage (such as shuffling the Troghammer cards into the deck) are not triggered when a Peasant spawns.

If Trogdor's health drops to zero, he's not quite defeated, but if he takes another point of damage while already at zero, then it's over!
Trogdor's Fiery Rage
Even in defeat, Trogdor rages out with magnificent glory, laying waste to everything he can before stomping off the board in frustration. Troggie doesn't lose games, he rage-quits!
If Trogdor is defeated, draw five Movement cards for Trogdor, and move him along those five movement paths in order, burninating his starting tile and everything he touches!
During his spree of fiery rage, Trogdor gains wraparound movement as he burninates Cottages, Peasants, and tiles just by walking onto them.

Cottages and the Lake do not have to qualify, and Peasants are erased upon impact without burninating anything else. Heck, so are Knights. (But the Archer lives!)
Should Trogdor's Fiery Rage succeed in burninating all the tiles, Cottages, and Peasants, you gain a total table-flip victory, which is more spectacular than a regular victory by a factor of ten.
No matter the outcome, every game should end with everyone shouting a rousing "IT'S OVER!!" in unison.
Special Tiles

Cottage Tiles: Cottage tiles contain Cottages. Trogdor can burninate the tile like any other tile, but the Cottage can't be burninated unless every surrounding tile is burninated, including diagonally adjacent tiles and the Cottage tile itself.
This requirement does not "wrap around", so a Cottage at the edge of the board is easier to burn than one in the center.
If a tile next to a burninated Cottage becomes unburninated, this doesn't repair the Cottage, but it does make it harder to re-ignite.

Mountains: Mountains give Trogdor the ability to hide. As his last Action in a phase, Trogdor can hide in a Mountain and become invulnerable to Knight and Archer damage for the rest of the turn.
Lay Trogdor down to show that he is hiding.

Tunnels: Tunnels give Trogdor the ability to move from one Tunnel to the other for one Action Point.
When designing your own boards, place the Tunnels far apart!

Lake: The Lake is harder to burn than other tiles. Trogdor cannot burninate the Lake unless all the tiles it shares an edge with are burninated.
This doesn't include the diagonal tiles, so it requires the burnination of up to four adjacent tiles (fewer if it is on an edge).
The Lake can also prevent a Peasant from burninating to death. It has this power whether or not the Lake itself is burninated.

Flowers, Forests, Stumps, and Trees: These typically don't do anything, but some cards might refer to them.
Empty Tiles: Some cards talk about "empty" tiles. These are tiles that contain no pieces (Knights, Troghammer, Archer, Peasants, Cottages, and Trogdor).
All tiles retain their abilities even when burninated.
Map Examples

End of the Game
The game can end either in triumph or defeat. That's because even if he is defeated, Trogdor gets one last chance to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.
Trogdor's Keepers are victorious if the following conditions are ever met at the same time:
- All 25 tiles are burninated,
- All three Cottages are burninated,
- No Peasants are on the board, and
- Trogdor is not defeated.
Trogdor is defeated if he takes damage from a Knight or Archer when he is already at zero health, or all players have no Action cards. Then the game is over.
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