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  • 1 gameboard
  • 432 question-and-answer cards
  • 6 card holders
  • 6 track pawns
  • 6 scoring tokens
  • 36 scoring wedges
  • 1 die

Object of the Game

To be the first player (or team) to fill all six spaces on your Scoring Token with different colored wedges by correctly answering questions. Get back to the center first and answer a final question correctly to win!


  1. Unwrap the card packs and, facing them the same way, place each deck in its matching card holder as shown.

  2. Each player or team takes an empty scoring token and places it on the center space of the gameboard.

  3. Place the card holders around the gameboard, near their matching colored wedge space.

  4. Place all of the wedges in a pile by the gameboard.

  5. Roll the die to decide who goes first. Highest number rolled takes the first turn. Play continues clockwise.

The Twist

If you're familiar with Trivial Pursuit, all you need to know is "the twist".

The twist on the gameboard is that it features a bonus track around the outside. Each player (or team) takes a track pawn and places it on the Start space.

Play as normal, e.g. when you land on a colored space, you have to correctly answer a question from that category. The twist on the questions is that each category's card contains questions about one topic within that category. Questions 1 and 2 are easy, 3 and 4 are medium, and 5 and 6 are hard. Your die roll dictates which question you have to answer.

If you correctly answer the question, as well as having another turn as normal, you also move your track pawn clockwise around the bonus track. A correctly-answered "easy" question moves it one space, a correctly-answered "medium" question moves it two spaces and a correctly-answered "hard" question moves it three spaces.

The bonus track contains four active zones:

  1. Face-off Zone

    If a player lands on a wedge space, anyone that has their track pawn in this zone can declare a face-off! When this happens, someone not involved in the face-off reads the question that matches the wedge space's category and die number rolled. The first player to answer correctly wins the face-off and the wedge! As usual, if no one gets the answer right, no one wins the wedge. You can declare a face-off only once while you're in the zone.

    Strategy hint: You can declare a face-off even if you already possess a wedge of that color, just to try and stop it from being won by another player. If you win the face-off, just return it to the pile of wedges by the gameboard.

  2. Slow It Down Zone

    While you are in this zone, you can move someone else's scoring token to any other space on the gameboard to slow them down. You'll probably want to target the player with the most wedges. You can do this only once while you're in the zone.

  3. Easy Cheesy Zone

    Try to land on a wedge space while your track pawn is in this zone. It gives you the opportunity to answer an easy question no matter what your die roll! So, if there's a category that you're not so hot on, make a beeline for it. You can do this only once while you're in the zone, so choose wisely!

  4. Freebie Zone

    This is the smallest zone (only one space) and for good reason! If you land on or pass this zone, you can take a wedge of your choice for free!

Game Play

On your turn:

  1. Roll the die.
  2. Move. Always move the full amount shown on the die.
  3. When you land on a space, answer a question!

One of the other players picks up the first card from the front of the appropriate card deck and reads out the question that matches the die roll-1 and 2 are easy questions, 3 and 4 are medium questions and 5 and 6 are hard questions.

Answers to the questions are printed on the back of the card. If you land on the center space during the game, you can choose any category for your question.

Move around the Board

At the start of the game, move away from the center, along any of the spokes. When you reach the circular track, you can move in any direction. Plan your moves carefully so that you land on the space that suits you best.

Never retrace your steps on the same roll of the die. For example, you cannot roll a "5" and move three spaces clockwise, then two spaces counter- clockwise. However, the next time you roll the die, you can decide to change direction and go the opposite way from your last move.

You can make your way to the other side of the board by cutting across the middle along the spokes. You can land on the same space as another player.

Correct Answers

If you answer the question correctly, move your track pawn around the bonus track. A correctly- answered easy question moves it one space, a correctly-answered medium question moves it two spaces, and a correctly-answered hard question moves it three spaces.

Then roll the die again and take another turn. You can keep rolling and moving as long as you get the answers right-there's no limit to the number of turns you can take in a row.

Wrong Answers

Sorry, if you get it wrong, that's the end of your turn. The player to your left rolls the die.

Roll Again Spaces

When you land on one of these spaces, you may roll the die again. (You may move to another roll again space, and keep rolling until you land on a question or wedge space).

Wedge Spaces

There are six spaces around the board with a picture of a large colored wedge. If you answer a question correctly when you land on a wedge space, place a matching-colored scoring wedge into your scoring token! Don't forget to move your track pawn!

Then roll the die and take another turn.

If you get the answer wrong, you'll have to move off the space and along the path on your next turn before you can come back and try to win a wedge of that color. You do not have to try that category immediately; you may move elsewhere on the board and return to it later.

If you land on the same wedge space later in the game and you already have a wedge of that color, treat it as an ordinary space and answer a question from the matching category.

End of the Game

As soon as you have won a scoring wedge of each color, start making your way back to the center space and try to land there by exact count.

If you overshoot, keep playing, answering questions in the categories you land on, until you land on the center.

When you get to the center, the other players (without looking at any cards) decide from which category you will have to answer a final, deciding question.

As in the rest of the game, the level of question will depend upon your die roll.

If you get the answer wrong, leave the center space on your next turn and return later (landing by exact count) to try again.

If you answer the deciding question correctly, you win the game!

Mind Games

House Rules

At the start of the game, you should all agree on how much time players should be allowed to answer a question. Also, decide how accurate answers should be. For example, you may agree that only giving a last name is enough to score a correct answer. You might, however, decide that both first and last names must be given to constitute a winning answer. You might also decide to have different rules for younger and for older players.

Alternative Game

If you prefer, you don't have to use the die roll to dictate whether you get an easy, medium or hard question. Just agree among yourselves beforehand on which level of questions each person should get. Or just let each player decide on each turn which question he or she wants to answer!

Winning Streak

As you always get another roll of the die with every answer you get right, it is possible to collect all six wedges on your first turn! If this happens, any player who has not yet had a turn can try to repeat this feat and force the game to end in a tie.

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