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You need The Quacks of Quedlinburg to play The Herb Witches. The Herb Witches introduces:

  • A new ingredient (Locoweed)
  • Orange 6-chips
  • Overflow bowls
  • 3 types of herb witches

The Herb Witches also includes everything you will need for a 5th player, as well as new ingredient books for the ingredients found in The Quacks of Quedlinburg.


For the 5th player:

  • 1 pot
  • 1 bag
  • 1 flask
  • 2 droplets
  • 1 scoring marker
  • 1 rat stone
  • 1x 0/50 seal


  • 8 ingredients books
  • 153 ingredient chips
  • 3 spare chips
  • 20 rubies
  • 12 herb witches
  • 15 Witch Pennies
  • 5 overflow bowls


Set up the game in the same way as The Quacks of Quedlinburg, but now you can choose to play with ingredient book sets 5 and 6.

  • Replace the pumpkin ingredient book from the standard game with the new pumpkin ingredient book included in The Herb Witches and add in the orange 6-chips.

  • At the start of the game, all players additionally receive 1 Witch Penny in each of the 3 different colors.

  • Each player takes the overflow bowl in the same color as their pot and places it under the spoon next to the pot.

  • Turn over 1 of each of the 3 witch types at random and place them near the Scoring Track/Turn Indicator.

Game Play

Follow The Quacks of Quedlinburg rules, with the following exceptions:

The Herb Witches

Players can call upon the help of each of the herb witches once per game. To activate an herb witch and use her power, the player must hand over the Witch Penny in the same color as the witch you are choosing to activate.

  • Action: During the Potions Phase, if your pot has exploded, use this herb witch to activate your flask.

    Return the last white chip to your bag. You can then draw further chips from the bag or end your turn.

    Note: To be able to use this witch, your flask must be full (that is, not already used).

  • Action: During the Potions Phase, if your pot has not exploded, use this herb witch to draw 6 chips from your bag.

    You can place any of these chips into your pot in any order. Carry out the chip actions as usual. Return any chips that you decide not to use back to your bag.

    Note: If a player uses this action in the last turn, the simultaneous drawing of chips is paused until they have finished carrying out this action.

  • Action: During the Potions Phase, if your pot has not exploded, use this herb witch to return the last 2 white chips you added to your pot back to your bag.

    Any gaps created in your pot are not filled. You may return just 1 of the last 2 white chips to the bag if you choose.

    If you do, leave the 2nd white chip in your pot where it is.

    Note: The 2 white chips do not have to be next to each other or occupy the last 2 spaces in the pot.

  • Action: During the Evaluation Phase, if your pot exploded, use this herb witch to get victory points and to buy chips (normally you have to choose one or the other).

    If you have reached the highest-scoring space, you also can roll the bonus die.

  • Action: During the Buy Chips Phase, use this herb witch to up- grade the last 2 chips you added to your pot by 1 level, OR upgrade 1 chip anywhere in your pot by 1 level.

    This action can only be used on chips in your pot, not chips you have just purchased. You can only upgrade a 1-chip to a 2-chip or a 2-chip to a 4-chip.

    You cannot upgrade orange chips.

    Note: You may use this witch if your pot exploded and you have opted for victory points.

  • Action: During the Buy Chips Phase, use this herb witch to double the coins you have to buy ingredients.

    You still can only buy a total of 2 different-colored chips

    Note: If you use this witch during the Buy Chips Phase in turn 9, you can double the amount of money to purchase victory points at the normal 5:1 ratio.

  • Action: During the Buy Chips Phase, use this herb witch to buy 1 chip and get an identical chip for free.

    Example: If you buy 1 chip in this phase, you will get 2 total chips, both of the same color and value.

    If you buy 2 chips, you will receive a total of 3 chips: 2 chips of the same color and value, and 1 other chip.

  • Action: During the Buy Chips Phase, use this herb witch to increase the amount of coins you have by 2 for each ruby you possess. You do not give up your rubies.

    Note: If your pot explodes and you choose to take victory points, you may use this witch to buy ingredients during the Buy Chips Phase, but only using the coins generated by this witch.

  • Action: During the Victory Point Phase, use this herb witch to get extra victory points.

    The number of points depends on how many different-colored chips are in your pot. Use the chart on the witch's card to determine how many victory points you receive.

    Note: White chips do not count. Locoweed does count.

  • Action: During the Victory Point Phase, use this herb witch to get bonus victory points for the chips remaining in your bag.

    Empty out your bag. You earn 2 victory points for each of the following chips: non-white 2-chips, 4-chips and 6-chips, purple chips, and Locoweed chips.

    White chips, black chips, and 1-chips are not counted (except purple). Put the chips back in your bag.

    Note: You can also use this witch if your pot exploded and you have opted to buy chips.

  • Action: During the Rubies Phase, if there is a ruby on your scoring space, use this herb witch to take as many rubies as there are victory points on that scoring space.

    You still receive the victory points from that scoring space.

    Note: You can use this witch if your pot exploded and you have opted to buy chips - but only to get the rubies.

    Also, if the "It's Shining Extra Bright" Fortune Teller card is in play, you must decide whether you want to take the 2 rubies from the Fortune Teller card or use this herb witch instead.

  • Action: At the end of the Evaluation Phase, use this herb witch to pay only 1 ruby to fill your flask or move a droplet forward.

    You may carry out this action more than once during this phase depending on the number of rubies you give up.

    Note: You may not use this witch to convert rubies to victory points at the end of turn 9.

Players can use any number of their Witch Pennies in a turn. Any Witch Penny not used by a player counts as 2 victory points at the end of the game.

Overflow Bowls

If a player reaches the final space in the pot (33) or moves past it (regardless of how far), they should place their chip on the 33 space. If this final chip triggers an action that affects the next chip drawn, this action is forfeited.

If the player draws additional chips from their bag, these chips should be placed in the overflow bowl. When scoring victory points that turn, the player first receives what is pictured on the spoon (15 victory points and 35 coins).

The player then adds the value of all the chips in their overflow bowl and receives half this total amount (rounded down) in victory points. Colored chips that end up in the overflow bowl do not trigger any more actions. However, white chips still count towards the total value of cherry bombs.

All players who reach the last space in the pot (regardless of how many chips are in the overflow bowl) can roll the Bonus Die if their pot has not exploded.


Action: None! The orange 1-chip and 6-chip have no function other than filling the pot 1 or 6 spaces.

Important: All upgrades, whether through books, witches or Fortune Teller cards (e.g., "An Opportunistic Moment") do not apply to orange chips. It is not possible to upgrade an orange 1-chip to an orange 6-chip.

Crow Skull

Action: If you draw a blue chip, see if there are at least as many orange chips in your pot as the value of the blue chip.

If so, immediately receive victory points equal to the value of the blue chip. If not, you do not receive any victory points. The value of the orange chips does not matter.

Example: If you draw a blue 4-chip, and there are 4 or more orange chips in your pot, then receive 4 victory points. If you draw a blue 4-chip and there are 3 or fewer orange chips in your pot, you do not receive any victory points.

Action: When you place a blue chip in your pot, note its value. Then look at that same number of chips immediately preceding the blue chip.

If any of these chips are white 1-chips, you receive 1 ruby for each.

Example: When you place a blue 4-chip, check how many white 1-chips are among the four chips directly before it. For each white 1-chip, you receive 1 ruby. If you place a blue 1-chip, check only the chip directly before the blue chip.


Action: If you draw a red chip from your bag, check if there is a higher value red chip already in your pot.

If so, use that higher value to place your newly drawn red chip.

Example: If a red 4-chip is already in your pot, you can move any newly drawn red 1-chip or 2-chip four spaces.

Action: If you draw a red chip from your bag, place it in your pot and draw another chip and set it aside.

You decide when to place this chip in your pot, but you must use it this turn, even if your pot exploded.

Note: If you have set a white chip aside, it will still count towards determining if your pot explodes when you place it.


Action: If you draw a yellow chip, place it in your pot as normal and then draw another chip from your bag.

Move the yellow chip forward by the value of the newly drawn chip. If you draw a Locoweed chip, move the yellow chip forward 1 space. Put the additional chip back in your bag.

Action: If you draw a yellow chip, you may give up 1 ruby from your supply to move the yellow chip forward by 3 additional spaces. You may only give up 1 ruby per yellow chip drawn.


The Locoweed chip has no set value. It changes every time.

Action: If you draw a Locoweed chip from your bag, move it forward according to the number of spaces you moved your rat stone at the beginning of the turn (including Fortune Teller card effects), plus 1 space.

Note: You can only move the Locoweed chip a maximum of 4 spaces.

Action: If you draw a Locoweed chip from your bag, it has the same action and value as the last colored chip in the pot.

Ignore white chips. If no colored chips have been placed, the Locoweed chip has a value of 1 and no action.

Similar to The Quacks of Quedlinburg, the actions of the following books always become effective after all players have stopped drawing chips (whether by choice or by their pot blowing up). These actions are carried out consecutively in Evaluation Phase B: Chip Actions.

Garden Spider

Action: For every green chip that is last or next-to-last in your pot, you may choose any chip that is currently in your pot to be the first chip you place in your pot for the next turn.

This chip has to be equal or lower in value to the green chip.

If both your last and next-to-last chips are green, you can choose 2 chips and place them as your first 2 chips in your next turn. You can place them in any order.

Example: If one of the last two chips placed is a green 2-chip, you can place a 1- or 2-chip as the first chip in the next turn. If a green 4-chip is last or next to last, you can chose a 1-, 2- or 4-chip.

That chip is placed in your pot according to its value at the start of the next turn. You may use that chip's action as normal. You may select the green chip to start the next turn.

Action: For every green chip placed last or next-to-last in your pot, you can roll the bonus die once. The value of the green chips is irrelevant.

Note: If the Fortune Teller card "The Pot is Full" is in effect, every player with a green chip in the last or next- to-last space in their pot can roll the bonus die twice for each of these chips.

Ghost's Breath

Action: Add the victory points for all spaces where there is a purple chip. This sum becomes the number of coins you can use to buy up to 2 chips of different colors during this Chip Action Phase.

In the final turn (turn 9), this sum can be used to purchase victory points as normal (5:1). You never add this sum to your coins in the Buy Chips Phase.

Action: Look at the value on the chip placed in your pot directly after the purple chip. You receive victory points based only on the printed value of this chip (not the number of spaces the chip moved).

Note: Locoweed always has a value of 1.

African Death's Head Hawkmoth

Action: When you purchase a black chip in the Buy Chips Phase (or if you receive one through a Fortune Teller card), you must place that black chip into the bag of the player to your left.

Move your droplet 1 space forward (or either droplet if playing with the test tube variation).

During the Chip Actions Phase, you receive 1 ruby for every black chip the person to your left has in their pot. You also get a ruby for each black chip that is last or next-to-last in your own pot.

Action: The player whose black chip is the furthest in their pot can move their droplet 1 space forward (or either droplet if playing with the test tube variation). The player whose black chip is the second furthest in their pot receives 1 ruby.

Note: It is possible for one player to receive both bonuses. If there is a tie, all of the players involved receive the corresponding bonus.

Clarification of the Fortune Teller Cards

If a Fortune Teller card tells players to draw chips from the bag (e.g., "Overpowering Ingredient" or "A Second Chance"), this does not involve any risk. It cannot cause the pot to explode-even if the white chips in the pot exceed the explosion limit. The action of the chip placed with the "Overpowering Ingredient" card is not carried out.

Note on Pumpkins

All upgrades-whether through the books, witches, or Fortune Teller cards (e.g., "An Opportunistic Moment")-do not apply for pumpkins. This means that it is not possible to upgrade an orange 1-chip to a 6-chip.

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