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Rating: 7.4 Good
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 2-2 players
Playing time: 30-45 minutes

Created by: John Yianni, John Yianni

Published by: Gen42 Games, HUCH! & friends


Tatsu is a two-player game in which players control three different types of dragon pieces.

By rolling two six-sided dice to decide movement and either combining or splitting the values, the pieces travel round the inside circle of the board, only swapping to the outer circle when landing on the same space as another piece, which will effect the piece in the following ways:

  • Vine dragons (green) entangle a player's dragon.
  • Water dragons (blue) expel a player's dragon off the board, back to their holding tray.
  • Fire dragons (red) destroy a player's dragon, removing it entirely from play.

Victory is gained when a player manages to destroy all of one type of the opposition's dragons or knocks all the opposition's dragons off the board so that none remain in play.

The Story Japanese legend tells of a great battle between two mighty Dragon Lord armies, locked in combat on the peaks of Mount Hotaka, competing to win the hand of Princess Kushinada, the last and most beautiful of eight sisters.

A battle so ferocious, that the villagers fearing for their lives, acquire the help of a powerful Wizard, who casts a spell over the Dragon Lords to keep them imprisoned in a circle of combat and to be freed only at the battle's end.

Their struggle continues to this very day, even though the Princess and their fateful story have long passed into legend.

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