The box contains the following pieces:
- 1 game board and 1 turn token
- 8 board tiles
- 9 Cauldron markers (3 each against Goblins, Orcs and Trolls)
- 9 Traps tokens (3 Goblin, 3 Troll, 3 Siege Tower),
- Defender Machines tokens (3 Cannon, 3 Pole, 3 Bay Window),
- 1 Marksmen Blessing, 1 Unearthly Glare, 3 Ladders
- 1 Malfunction and 3 Spies tokens
Invader's components:
- 200 Invader units (60 Goblins, 100 Orcs, 40 Trolls)
- 20 Wood counters
- 23 Action cards
- 36 Invader Machine cards (10 Hit, 26 Miss)
- 10 Invader Objective cards
- 3 ballista, 3 catapult, 2 trebuchet tiles
- 3 mantelet, 3 siege tower tiles
- 3 banner, 3 bridge, 3 ladders, 3 poison, 3 sap tiles
- 3 quartermaster, 3 saboteur, 3 trench master tiles
- 3 blood stones, 3 demon, 3 gale, 3 possesion, 3 specters tiles
- 5 Invader orders tiles
Defender's components: …