To win the game a player must manage to do the following twice:
- Make the most daring bet,
- Then flip over the corresponding number of cards without revealing a Skull!
Be careful to never reveal the hidden face of your cards.
Don't hesitate to comment on your actions or those of your opponents, for example by saying "I'm warning you, I'm playing a Skull right now!" To win, you'll have to gain a psychological edge over your opponents.
Don't hesitate to bluff by issuing a challenge or increasing the bet while having just played a Skull. It's the best way to reassure the future challenger and have him or her choose your cards only to fail.
We do not advise beginning players to take part in 3-player games, as it's a game configuration which requires a lot of tactics and which is particularly unforgiving when it comes to mistakes.
Foster a mood of anxiety by commenting on the choices of the challenger.
As with other confrontation-based games, by the end of the game, when there are only a few remaining players with about as many cards, there are winning strategies.
You can combine 2 Skull & Roses boxes to play with more than 6 players.
It's very advantageous to be the first player. It's worth the trouble of taking risks to get that position, even if it means losing a card.
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