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Rating: 5.7 Fair
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 3-7 players
Playing time: 30-45 minutes

Official Site: ROFL! game page — Renegade Game Studios

Created by: John Kovalic, John Kovalic

Published by: Cryptozoic Entertainment, Renegade Game Studios


Can you condense a well-known phrase down to just a few letters and symbols? Can you do it using fewer characters than any other player, but still get your message across? Find out with ROFL!

ROFL! pits players against each other as they strive to condense messages down to as few characters as possible. To start a turn, players see a phrase card, while the Guesser does not.

Players compete with one another to accurately relay the secret message on the phrase card in as few characters as possible.

If the Guesser can figure out the original phrase from your clue before time runs out, you both score points!

Everybody gets to be a Guesser once per round, and the player with the most points after three rounds wins!

Retail Price:$0
Origins Awards Best Children’s, Family or Party Game Nominee 2014
Diana Jones Award for Excellence in Gaming Nominee 2014

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