In Railroad Barons, each player becomes an active investor trying to build a railroad stock portfolio that will outperform the other player's portfolio.
Railroad Barons uses many mechanisms used in 18xx games, some at a more abstract level. Shares of five Holding Companies ( Holdings) can be bought and sold during the Stock Rounds (SRs). Those Holdings control Railroad Corporations, and pay dividends during Operating Rounds (ORs). Railroads have fixed incomes.
- 2 Overview cards
- 5 Holding Companies
- 20 Stock Certificates
- 28 Railroad Corporations and
- 5 private Investors
- 30 wooden Operator tokens
- 1 Share value track
- Playing money
- Rulebook
Game Elements
Players buy, sell and hold stock belonging to five Holdings. Holdings are independent entities similar to public holding corporations. Their purpose is to generate income, potentially paying all or part of that income back to shareholders (the players) as dividends. …