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Rating: 6.7 Good
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 2-5 players
Playing time: 20 minutes

Created by: Susumu Kawasaki, Klemens Franz, Péter Szábo Gabór, Susumu Kawasaki, Yoshihiro Koyama

Published by: 999 Games, AMIGO Spiel + Freizeit GmbH, Grimpeur

Alternate Names: R-Öko, Recycle, アールエコ


A local city has a problem of un-separated trash left by citizens. Each player is a company that does the trash separation and recycling.

By carrying trash to corresponding storage places, a player gets points. However if you carry too much, you must throw trash away illegally!

Well, after all, your aim is to get money... (from the description of the game)

Retail Price:$52
Fairplay À la carte Winner 2010
Japan Boardgame Prize Best Japanese Game Nominee 2006

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