Types of Public Contracts
Score during the game.
Gain 3 VP if you have built 1 floor of the depicted color.
Gain 2 VP if you have completed a house (thus placing a roof tile) of the depicted color.
Gain 2 VP if you have built 2 floors of the depicted color.
Gain 2 VP if you have played 2 cards of the depicted color.
Gain 2 VP if you have built 3 floors of the depicted color.
Gain 2 VP if you have played 2 cards of the depicted colors (one of each).
Types of Private Contract Cards
Only score at the end of the game.
Gain 1 VP, 2 VP, or 5 VP if there are 1, 2, or 3 completed houses of the depicted color on the board.
Houses can have different heights.
Gain 2 VP, 5 VP, or 10 VP if there are 1, 2, or 3 pairs of completed houses in the depicted colors.
The height and order of the houses don't matter, but the 2 houses must be adjacent. Each house on the board counts only once for this card.
Gain 4 VP or 9 VP if there are 1 or 2 trios of completed houses in the depicted colors.
The height and order of the houses don't matter, but the 3 houses must be adjacent. Each house on the board counts only once for scoring this card.
Gain 5 VP if there are at least 2 completed houses on the board of the depicted color.
There must be one house of the depicted color on each side of the board, and each must have the same number of floors.
Gain 2 VP, 5 VP, or 9 VP if there are 1, 2, or 3 completed houses of the depicted color on the extremities of the board.
Each side of the board has 2 extremities, which totals 4 extremities that can be considered for this effect.
Gain 7 VP if at least one side of the board has one completed house of each of the 5 colors. The arrow in the illustration is merely indicative, so doesn't matter which side of the board contains the completed houses.
The houses' order, adjacency, and height do not matter for this scoring.
Gain 5 VP if at least one side of the board has had all of its houses completed.
The arrow in the illustration is merely indicative, so it doesn't matter which side of the board these houses are on.
Note 1: Although a completed house can only be counted once for each contract card, it can be used to score multiple contract cards.
Note 2: For the purposes of Private Contracts, it does not matter who built the house during the game. Even if you did not contribute anything to building a house, you can still score it with your Private Contracts.
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