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Rating: 6.3 Fair
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 3-6 players
Playing time: 30 minutes

Created by: David V. H. Peters, Oliver Schlemmer

Published by: Competo / Marektoy, Queen Games, Winsome Games

Alternate Names: SNCF


A re-issue of David V. H. Peters' SNCF (Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Français). Originally released by Winsome Games as part of its 2010 Essen Set, SNCF was subsequently licensed by Queen Games and rereleased as Paris Connection in 2011.

This is a fast economic game with a train theme, with the objective of having the most valuable stock portfolio at the end of the game. Players can own and trade stocks as well as influence the value of each company.

There are 6 colors of wooden locomotives, each color representing a company. Players are dealt random hands of 5-10 (depending on number of players) locomotives, which are essentially a stock portfolio; the rest of each color are placed in a pool.

On your turn, you can either increase the value of a single company by placing 1-5 locomotives from the remaining pool of that company, or you can trade one locomotive in your portfolio for one or two locomotives from the remaining pool in a company.

The game board is a map of France, with cities worth anywhere from 1-4 points, and rural hexes worth 0. Connecting to a city adds to a company's value.

The game ends when Marseille is reached by a company, or when there is only one company with locomotives remaining in the pool. Players' scores are determined by the value of each company at the end multiplied by the number of locomotives the player has for each color.

SNCF expansions may be used with this game.

Retail Price:$70
SNCF: Germany Expansion
SNCF: Iberia Expansion
SNCF: The Moon/Mars
SNCF: The Netherlands
SNCF: Transcontinental Railroads
Vuoden Peli Adult Game of the Year Winner 2012
Vuoden Peli Adult Game of the Year Nominee 2012
Guldbrikken Best Adult Game Nominee 2012
Golden Geek Best Abstract Board Game Winner 2011
Golden Geek Best Abstract Board Game Nominee 2011

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