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Rating: 6.3 Fair
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 2-99 players
Playing time: 15-21 minutes

Official Site: Over/Under game page - Gamewright

Created by: Reiner Knizia, Mike Mandolese

Published by: Gamewright, Piatnik

Alternate Names: Csak a méret számít!, Die Größe macht's!, Vprašanje velikosti


How many bricks are in the Empire State building? How far away is Pluto? Make your best guess in Over/Under, the party game of estimating far-out facts.

In the game, which was first published as Die Größe macht's! in German, players start with a stack of question cards, with each card having three questions and the game having 200 cards.

On a turn, the active player reads one question to the other players, who then collectively decide on a numerical answer for that question.

The reader must then state whether the answer given is too high, too low, or exactly right. If the reader guesses wrong, he removes the card from the game and the next player chooses the next question; if he guessed "over" or "under" and was right, he keeps the card, then passes the deck; if he guessed "exactly right" and was right, he keeps the card, then reads the next question himself.


When the stack of cards runs out, the game ends and whoever has the most cards wins.

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