In his adventures throughout the galaxy, R2-D2 has fought space battles, helped destroy the Death Star, and been hit with any number of laser blasts.
He badly needs a tune-up, and his friend C-3PO could use a little work as well. Grab the tweezers and make these droids look good as new. Don't touch the sides though, or else you'll have to start over.

- Gameboard with tweezers
- 24 Game cards
- 12 Plastic Funatomy parts
- Galactic Credits
- Storage Drawer
- Instructions
Separate the Droid Doctor cards from the Droid Specialist cards. Shuffle the Droid Specialist cards and deal them out face up so that each player gets an equal number.
If there are any extra cards, leave them out of play. Shuffle the Droid Doctor cards and place them facedown near the gameboard.
Choose a player to distribute the credits for successful "operations". Drop each Funatomy part flat into its matching gameboard space.
Game Play
The youngest player goes first. Play then passes to the left. May the Force be with you!
On your turn:

Draw the top Droid Doctor card and read it aloud. The card tells you which part to remove and how many credits you can earn.
Take the tweezers and try to remove that Funatomy part, but be careful!
If you touch the metal sides around the Funatomy part, R2-D2's dome will light up and he'll start beeping like he is about to short-circuit.
If you remove the Funatomy part without setting the light and sound off, take your credits from the banker.
Keep the Funatomy part in front of you and place the Droid Doctor card out of play. This ends your turn.
If you set off the light and sound before you completely remove the Funatomy part, your turn is over.
Replace the Funatomy part flat in the gameboard and keep the Droid Doctor card in front of you. Now the Droid Specialist gets to try.

The Droid Specialist
The player with the Droid Specialist card for that "operation" now tries to remove the part for twice the payment!

Note: If the Droid Specialist card is out of play, place the Droid Doctor card facedown at the bottom of the deck.
The player to the left of the Droid Doctor goes next.
If the Droid Specialist is successful, he or she gets the payment. Place both cards for that "operation" out of play. The player to the left of the Droid Doctor goes next.
If the Droid Specialist is unsuccessful, place the Droid Doctor card facedown at the bottom of the deck. The Droid Specialist keeps the Droid Specialist card. The player to the left of the Droid Doctor goes next.
End of the Game
The game ends when all 12 Funatomy parts have been removed. The player with the most credits wins!
Storing Your Game
Store all of the Funatomy parts in the storage drawer. Anchor the tweezers by pressing down and gently sliding them under the notch.
Store the other game parts under the gameboard.
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