- Gameboard with "Cavity Sam" patient and tweezers
- 24 cards
- 11 "Funatomy" parts
- Play money
- Rulebook
Object of the Game
Collect the most money by performing successful "operations".

Remove the rubber band from around the cards and drop it into the anklebone connected to the knee bone gameboard cavity. Make sure no part of it shows above the cavity.
Separate the cards into 2 decks: doctor cards and specialist cards.
Shuffle the specialist cards and deal them out, one at a time, so that each player gets an equal number. Place any extra specialist cards out of play.
Shuffle the doctor cards and place them in a facedown deck within reach of all players. Choose a player to be the banker, who will pay players for successful "operations".
Drop each funatomy part into its matching gameboard cavity. For example, place the heart in the broken heart cavity, and the wrench in the wrenched ankle cavity. Make sure all funatomy parts lie flat inside their cavities.

Game Play
Choose a player to go first. Play then passes to the left.
On Your Turn:
Draw the top doctor card from the deck and read it aloud. The card tells you which Funatomy part to "operate" on, and what your fee will be if you're successful.
For example, the ankle bone"operation" card asks you to connect the "ankle bone" to the "knee bone" for a fee of $200.
Now try to perform the "operation" by using the tweezers to remove the Funatomy part from the cavity.
Anklebone Exception: For the Anklebone "operation", use the tweezers to loop one end of the rubber band around one post in the cavity, and the other end around the opposite post.
Careful: The key to a successful "operation" is to remove the part without touching the metal edge of the cavity!
If you touch the metal edge, you'll set off the buzzer and make Sam's nose light up!
A Successful "Operation": If you perform the "operation" without setting off the buzzer and making Sam's nose light up, it's a success! Take your fee from the banker. Keep the funatomy part in front of you and place the doctor card out of play. Your turn is over.
An Unsuccessful "Operation": If you set off the buzzer and make Sam's nose light up before completing the "operation", it's not a success.
Your turn is over. Replace the part flat in the cavity and keep the doctor card in front of you. Now the Specialist gets a try!
Specialist Cards

All players (including you) look at their SPECIALIST cards. The player with the specialist card for that "operation" now gets to try the same "operation" for a higher fee!
Example: if the Doctor failed to remove Sam's ribs for $200, the Specialist for the rib "operation" now tries it for $400!
If the specialist card for that "operation" is out of play, place the doctor card facedown at the bottom of the deck. Now the player to the left of the Doctor takes his or her turn.
If the Specialist is successful, he or she takes the fee from the banker. Both the doctor card and the specialist card for that "operation" are placed out of play. Now the player to the left of the Doctor takes his or her turn.
If the Specialist is unsuccessful, place the doctor card facedown at the bottom of the deck. The Specialist keeps the specialist card. Now the player to the left of the Doctor takes his or her turn.
End of the Game
The game ends when all 12 "operations" have been successfully performed. The player with the most money wins!
Timing your "operations
Before a game starts, players may agree to set a time limit (perhaps one minute) for each "operation". One player (other than the Doctor or Specialist) keeps track of the time.
In this game, an "operation" is successful only if a player completes it before time runs out!
Solo Play
Are you the only "Doctor" in the house? Then practice your skills on the patient! Try performing all 12 "operations" successfully, in any order. If an "operation" is unsuccessful, start all over again!
Storing Your Game Done playing? Store the game parts underneath the gameboard. Anchor the tweezers by resting them in the gameboard peg, as shown below.
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