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Rating: 4.9 Moderate
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 3-5 players
Playing time: 20 minutes

Official Site: Game Page (English) - Iello Games

Created by: Frédéric Morard, Jean-Baptiste Reynaud

Published by: IELLO, Superlude Éditions

Alternate Names: La Nuit du Grand Poulpe


Long ago, the Grand Octopus, one filled with cosmically divine powers, reigned over the entire world - until an unfortunate combination of circumstances imprisoned it at the bottom of the ocean.

Idle under miles of water, it fell asleep dreaming of the day when its time would come once again.

In Night of the Grand Octopus, you are one of the Elect and have been recruited by the Illuminati to form a cult to glorify the tentacled one.

What's more, your dreams have told you that the time has come, the stars have aligned so that you can perform the "Ritual of Appeal" and bring the Grand Octopus to surface once again.

To perform the ritual, however, you need the right magical components, components to be found in a famous English university for young wizards and witches - and you're not the only one seeking them.

In each round, players secretly place their cultist and monster tokens on locations, then reveal those locations at the same time.

If only one cultist group occupies a location, that cult gains strength - but if two or more cults want the same spot, they must negotiate or both lose cult strength. If, on the other hand, a rival monster occupies the location, the cultist is eliminated. Gulp!

Retail Price:$9

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