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Rating: 6.7 Good
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 2-6 players
Playing time: 60-6 minutes

Created by: (Uncredited)

Published by: (Self-Published), Pressman Toy Corp.


For 2 to 6 players or teams.

The objective is to move around the board (via dice roll), respond (as an individual or team) to category challenges when given a FIRST name, and be the first to the end. Feels much like Pictionary and such, except if stumped by a category, you can always choose to roll and move BACKWARDS instead.

There are 6 major categories: Stars & Co., Musicians, History/News Makers, Fictional Characters, Athletes & Co., and Authors/Artists. Draw a first name card, and name someone famous in that category, with that first name, within 30 seconds!

As well, there are 'nameoff' and 'namedrop' squares. Nameoff is a back-and-forth all-play, until 30 seconds pass where neither team can name any more people; last accepted answer wins the challenge.

Namedrop is solo challenge to name (dice roll) number of famous people with that first name within the time limit.

Whenever there is any question of validity (famous? first name matches? category fits? nickname or short form valid?), your OPPONENT(s) are the judge!

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