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Rating: 6.9 Good
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 2-9 players
Playing time: 20-35 minutes

Created by: Jonathan Gilmour, Micah Sawyer, Katie Khau

Published by: Pandasaurus Games


Mental Blocks is a game of puzzling perspectives, with players trying to complete a puzzle using oversized foam blocks, despite seeing only one perspective of the design. You have to co-operate to complete the puzzle as a team, but you have a time limit, so don't just sit around staring at the pieces. In addition to the time pressure, players have other challenges, such as not being able to talk or to touch certain color blocks.

Mental Blocks features sixty puzzles: thirty "family mode" puzzles and thirty "challenge mode" puzzles that ramp in difficulty. For an even wilder game, you can add a traitor to the table to block your block-building...

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