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Five of each player's orders are simple orders showing just the ingredients availa- ble in the game. To be properly baked, the ingredients shown must be face-up in the oven when the order is turned up.

As always, the player, whose order it is, may add ingredients from his hand to complete the order. Each player also has three special pizzas, which are completed in the same way: from the face up oven cards and/or from the player's hand. These orders are described below:

Pizza Bombastica

To properly bake this pizza, a player needs at least 15 ingredients of any kinds. If more than 15 ingredients are face up in the oven, the Mamma Mia! player takes all of them for the pizza. Thus, after this pizza is delivered, there are no face-up cards in the oven!

Pizza Monotoni

To properly bake this pizza, a player needs 1 of his personal ingredient (shown on the card) and 6 ingredients of a single different kind. This different ingredient is shown on the card by a "J" (for joker).

The player whose order card is turned over chooses the ingredient when it is turned over. In no case can the player choose his personal ingredient as the joker.

Pizza Minimale

To properly bake this pizza, a player needs 1 of his personal ingredient (shown on the card) and 3 ingredients of a single different kind. This different ingredient is shown on the card by a "?".

The different ingredient is the ingredient that has the fewest cards in the face up oven. If more than one ingredient ties with the fewest, the player whose order card is turned over chooses the ingredient. In no case can the player choose his personal ingredient or an ingredient with no cards in the face up oven.


he following ingredients are in the face up oven: 2 pepper, 2 salami, 2 mushroom, and 3 pineapple. Next, the Mamma Mia! player turns over Alberto's (green) Pizza Minimale order. The order requires 1 pepper and 3 of a different ingredient.

Three ingredient kinds tie for fewest cards showing in the face-up oven: pepper, salami, and mushroom. As pepper is Alberto's personal ingredient, he may not choose this as the different ingredient.

Also, as there are no olives showing, Alberto may not choose olives for the different ingredient. Thus, Alberto must choose between salami and mushroom. If he has a third salami or mushroom card in his hand, he can place this on the table and properly bake his Pizza Minimale.

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