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In this delicious card game, the players are pizza makers. The players take orders from the waiters and ingredients from the supply. They put them all together in the oven and bake.

When all the ingredients are used up, the players open the oven to discover which pizzas were baked properly, and which were not. The players take back their orders for their improperly baked pizzas so they can try again in the next round.

After three rounds, the player who has delivered the most pizzas is the best pizza maker and the winner!


There are three different kinds of cards.

  • 1 Mamma Mia! card
  • 40 orders
  • 65 ingredient cards


  • With fewer than 5 players remove ingredient cards: with 4 players remove one of each ingredient and return them to the box, with 3 players remove three of each, and with 2 players remove fi ve of each.

  • Shuffle the ingredient cards and deal 6 to each player. They take them as their starting hands.

  • Now shuffl e the Mamma Mia! card and the ingredient cards together. Place these cards face down as a supply in the middle of the table.

  • Each player takes a set of eight orders (with matching backs), shuffl es them, and places them face down on the table. This is each player's waiter. Then each player draws the first order card from their waiter and adds it to his hand.

  • The oven is next to the supply. The oven is a face-up discard stack. The players play their ingredient and order cards on the oven.

  • The players choose a starting player and the others follow in clockwise order

The Mamma Mia! Card

When a player draws the Mamma Mia! card, he places it face up on the table next to his waiter and immediately draws another card.

At the end of a round, the player with the Mamma Mia! card removes the pizzas from the oven to determine which are properly baked and which are not. He then begins the next round as the new starting player.

Game Play

Put Pizzas In The Oven

On a player's turn, he must place at least one ingredient card from his hand in the oven: he places the ingredient card(s) face up on the discard stack next to the supply.

A player may place more than one card in the oven on his turn, but they must all be the same kind of ingredient. After placing the ingredients, the player announces the number and kind placed, e.g. "three salami".

Next, the player may place 1 order card from his hand face up in the oven: he places the order card face up on the discard stack next to the supply.

Players should place order cards when they believe that all the ingredients needed to properly bake the pizza are already in the oven. Players may never check the contents of the oven (the oven cards are stacked so only the topmost card can be seen), but must wait until the end of the round when all pizzas are taken from the oven to learn if their pizzas are properly baked.

Finally, the player draws enough cards to return his hand size to seven cards. The player must, however, draw cards only from the supply or from his waiter, and not both during a turn. The player's turn is done and his left neighbor takes his turn.

When a player draws cards from the supply or his waiter and there are not enough cards there to fill his hand, he takes only the cards that are there and, thus, takes his next turn with fewer than seven cards. He may not use this opportunity to draw additional cards from the other card stack (waiter or supply).

As soon as a player draws the last card from the supply, the round ends, and the player with the Mamma Mia! card takes all the pizzas from the oven.


It is Alberto's (green) turn. He takes 3 salami cards from his hand and places them face up in the oven (places them on the discard stack). He says aloud, "Three salami!'' Next, he places his order with 4 salami and 1 pepper showing on it in the oven (face up on top of the discard stack).

He decides to draw from his waiter stack, but as there are only three cards there, takes all three and must play with only 6 cards until his next turn, when he can again fill his hand to 7 cards.

Take The Pizzas From The Oven

The Mamma Mia! player takes the cards from the oven and turns them over in his hand so they are face down. He may not change the order of the cards in the oven!

Now he turns over cards from the oven, one at a time, and sorts the ingredient cards by placing them face up on the table as shown below. The cards should overlap each other so the number of cards of each kind can be easily seen.

When he turns over an order card, the players check to see if all the necessary ingredients for the pizza are available in the sorted ingredients on the table:

  • If all the necessary ingredients are not there, the player, whose order was turned over, may add missing ingredient cards from his hand to complete the order. If he can add all the missing ingredients, his pizza is properly baked.

    If the player cannot complete the pizza, it is not properly baked and he puts the order card face down on the bottom of his waiter stack.

  • If all the necessary ingredients are not there, the player, whose order was turned over, may add missing ingredient cards from his hand to complete the order. If he can add all the missing ingredients, his pizza is properly baked.

    If the player cannot complete the pizza, it is not properly baked and he puts the order card face down on the bottom of his waiter stack.

Unused ingredients remain face-up in the sorted oven.


As shown above, the following ingredients are in the face up oven:

1 pepper, 2 salami, 3 pineapple, and 4 mushroom. Next, the Mamma Mia! player turns over an order card: 4 pineapple and 1 pepper for Alberto (green) from the oven. As there are not enough pineapple cards in the face up oven (3 instead of 4), Alberto adds 1 pineapple card from his hand to complete the order.

The Mamma Mia! player puts the five ingredient cards: (4 pineapple and 1 pepper) on the used ingredient stack. Alberto takes his order card and places it face-up in his delivery stack. The unused ingredient cards remain in the face-up oven and the Mamma Mia! player turns over the next card in the oven.

The Mamma Mia! player continues to turn over cards from the oven until all have been turned over. After all oven cards have been turned over, the Mamma Mia! player puts all the unused ingredient cards from the oven face up as the new oven stack for the next round.

The Mamma Mia! player shuffles the used ingredients cards (that were used to complete properly baked pizzas) together with the Mamma Mia! card to form a new supply, which he places face down on the table. The Mamma Mia! player now begins the next round.

Note: it can occur that a player has no ingredient cards to play on his turn. When this occurs, he must pass, playing no cards (not even an order card). He then draws cards as normal to fill his hand to seven cards.

End of the Game

The game ends after the oven has been emptied and any properly baked pizzas in it delivered for the third time.

The winner is the player who has delivered the most pizzas (has the most order cards in his delivery stack). If two or more players tie with the most, the player among them with the most ingredients left in his hand is the winner.

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