- 5 tri-colored dice
- 1 dice cup
- 1 score pad
- 1 pencil
- instructions.
Object of the Game
Players roll any or all dice, up to three times, attempting to obtain dice combinations fitting a scoring category.
Players fill 15 scoring boxes and add bonuses for a total score. The player with the highest total score wins the game.
Game Play

Players keep their own score sheet.
Each player rolls one die. The player with the highest number begins. Play moves to the left.
The first player rolls all five dice trying to gain a scoring combination. After reading the dice, the player may stop and take a score OR may pick up any or all dice and roll again.
After the second roll, the player may stop and take a score OR pick up any or all dice and roll again.
After the third roll, the player must enter a score in any one box on the score sheet. If the player is unable to gain a scoring combination on the dice, the Yarborough box may be used.
If the Yarborough box has been filled, a zero must be placed in another box of the player's choice.
Play continues for all players until 15 rounds are completed. All boxes must then contain either a score or a zero.
At this time, the Basic Section (1 through 6) is totaled and a bonus added if indicated. The Kismet Section (7 through 15) is totaled. Both the Basic Section total and the Kismet Section total are added, giving a Game Total Score.
The player with the highest Game Total Score wins the game.
Rules of Play
Each player is allowed one, two or three rolls of any or all dice per turn.
Players may read the dice any way they wish; provided the dice faces meet number and color scoring requirements in either Basic or Kismet sections at completion of the turn.
Scoring boxes may be filled in any order. Only one score may be entered per turn. Once entered, a score may not be changed.

Basic Section
This section scores points for ones through sixes. Players roll dice and score points for each die matching the scoring category.
Example: First roll shows 3-3-4-4-S. The player decides to go with fours. The player then picks up the dice showing 3-3-5 for his second roll. The second roll shows 4-5-5.
The player continues by picking up the dice showing 5-5 for his third roll. The final roll shows 4-6. The player thus has 4-4-4-4-6 after three rolls. A score of 16 is placed in the "Four" scoring box - scoring four points for each four rolled.
Play is similar for each box in the Basic Section. Players may choose an alternative scoring, in either the Basic or Kismet section, at any time. After three rolls, one scoring box must be filled with a score or a zero.
Kisnet Section:
This section offers varying values for dice combinations. Players roll dice and score points as follows:
Two pair Same Color: Any two pairs of the same color or any four of a kind. Total all five dice for the score.
Three of a Kind: At least three of a like number. Total all five dice for the score.
Straight: A sequence of any five numbers (I-2-3-4-5 or 2-3-4-5-6J. Score as 30 points.
Flush: Five dice of the same color (Example: four fives and a two are all red). Score as 35 points.
Full House: Three of one number and two of another number. Total all five dice and add 15 for the score.
Full House Same Color: Three of one number and two of another number with the same color.
Four of a Kind: Four of a like number. Total all five dice and add 25 for the score.
Yarborough: This is an "escape" box. Players fill it at their option. If a player rolls three times and does not have a scoring combination, Yarborough may be used. Total all five dice for the score.
Kismet: Five of a like number. Total all dice and add 50 for the score. When more than one Kismet is rolled by one player in one game,.

Scoring Options
Any roll can be scored in any open box where the numbers and colors fit the requirements of the box. A roll of 4-5-5-5-5 offers any one of the following scoring options:
- A score of 20 in fives in Basic Section
- A score of 24 in Two Pair Same Color in Kismet Section.
- A score of 24 in Three of a kind in Kismet Section.
- A Score of 49 in Four of a kind in Kismet Section.
- A score of 24 in Yarborough in Kismet Section. A player may choose any one of the options for such a roll.
The following table shows possible scoring options.
Scoring a Second Kismet
If a player rolls a second Kismet in any one game and finds the Kismet box filled, any appropriate scoring option may be used. Point value of the second Kismet is determined by the scoring option chosen.
When a player rolls a second Kismet, all other players MUST enter a zero in the vacant box nearest the top (either Basic or Kismet sections) of the score sheet AND all other players lose one turn.
The player rolling the second Kismet retains dice and begins next round. The same procedure applies for any additional Kismets.
Scoring a Bonus
After filling all six boxes in the Basic Section, a total is made. If 62 or less points are scored, NO bonus is added. If 63 to 70 points are scored, 35 bonus points are added.
If 71 to 77 points are scored, 55 bonus points are added. If 78 or more points are scored, add 75 bonus points. The Basic Section and Bonus are totaled and carried to the box at the bottom of the score sheet.
End of the Game
After all 15 boxes are filled with scores or zeros, the Basic Section is totaled and the appropriate bonus is added. This score is placed in the scoring box at the bottom of the score sheet.
The Kismet Section is totaled. Total scores from both Basic and Kismet sections are added (including any bonus) for a total game score. The player with the highest total game score wins the game.
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