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Rating: 6.8 Good
Players: 2-2 players
Playing time: 30-40 minutes

Created by: Günter Cornett, Michaela Kienle, Anke Pohl, Thilo Rick, Claus Stephan

Published by: 999 Games, Arclight, Filosofia Éditions

Alternate Names: カフナの島々, 카후나


This is a two-player game, played on a board depicting twelve islands. Players use cards to place bridges between these islands or remove opponent's bridges.

If you get the majority of bridges around an island, you place one of your marker stones on it and also remove any of your opponent's bridges to that island - which might cause them to lose a bridge majority on an adjacent island and lose a marker stone there.

The game is played in three rounds. A round ends when all cards from the face down deck and the three face up cards have been taken. Then points are scored for the islands with a marker stone on them. The game can also end sooner when one player has absolutely NO bridges left on the board.

The Kosmos edition has excellent graphics and nice wooden pieces and plays very well.

The game was originally published in 1997 as Arabana-Ikibiti by the designer's own publisher Bambus Spieleverlag, then reprinted by Funagain in the U.S., Kosmos' Kahuna - part of its Kosmos two-player series - is the best known implementation of this design.

Retail Price:$24
Spiel des Jahres Recommended 1999
Fairplay À la carte Winner 1999

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Two Kahuna - ancient sorcerers of the Pacific - want to find out who is more powerful. To this end, they compete to bring as many of the twelve islands as possible under their control. Both players build bridges between the islands of the South Seas.

When a player has established a majority of the possible bridges to an island, as a sign of power, the player places a Kahuna token on the island.


  • 1 Game board depicting 12 islands interconnected by dotted lines
  • 50 Kahuna bridges (25 black and 25 white)
  • 20 Kahuna tokens (10 black and 10 white)
  • 24 Island cards (2 per island)

Object of the Game

Three scoring rounds are played. When scoring takes place, you receive points if you have claimed more islands with Kahuna tokens than your opponent. …

Variant 1

If you want to play the game with fewer surprise effects and proceed more strategically, you can change the rules as follows:

A player may only place a Kahuna bridge on a free connecting line between two islands if none of these two islands is under the opponent's control (none of them is marked with one of his or her Kahuna tokens).

If a player can remove a Kahuna bridge by playing two suitable island cards, he or she may place one of his or her own Kahuna bridges on the connecting line that has thereby become available, without playing an additional card. Here, too, he or she may only place the bridge if none of the two islands is under the opponent's control. …

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