Thirty years have already passed since the Roman legions left Britain. The Picts and Scots have gained in power and are pushing inland.
To save Britain, Vortigern has asked you and your brother Horsa that you leave Saxony with your tribes and help protect Britain. Over the years he has become a little greedy though and does not pay you enough.
It is time to take matters into your own hands and take what is rightfully yours! You have good enough maps, strong fighters, and boats. There are so many towns, villages, monasteries, and estates waiting to be pillaged! Who will gain the most fame and fortune?

- Keel Boat
- 6 Raiding Groups
- 3 Two-sided Bay Boards
- 3 Shield Markers
- 60 Cards
- 12 Road Tiles
- 30 Treasure Tiles
- RuleBook

Place the three Bay Boards next to each other in the middle of the table, any side facing up.
Place the Boat in the leftmost Bay and put the 3 Raiding Groups of each color in it.
Shuffle the cards and place them on the table as a face-down draw pile. Each player draws 3 cards from it.
Shuffle the Road Tiles and place one face down on each Bay Board. Put another three face-down Road Tiles to the side and the rest back into the game box.
Shuffle the Treasure Tiles face down. For each Bay Board, turn over 4 Treasure Tiles and place them in descending numerical order from left to right in the indentations at the bottom of the Bay Board.
Put another 12 Treasure Tiles face down to the side and the rest back into the game box.
Place the three Shield Markers ready at hand next to the Bay Boards.
At the start of the game, the Road Tiles are face down. Raiding and playing an Explorer card as a Spy allows you to look at the other side of a Road Tile.
After you looked at a Road Tile, place a Shield Marker with your color facing up on it to show that you can look at it again at any time. Once the other player also had a look at the same Road Tile, turn it face up-now you both know it.
The Areas of the game board

Game Play
Play alternates between the two players. A turn consists of two parts:
- Raiding Group Actions
- Drawing Cards
The younger player begins.
A. Raiding Group Actions
On your turn, you can take exactly 1 action (I-VI) with each of your Raiding Groups. On their first turn, the starting player can take at most 2 actions. Whether a Raiding Group is in the Boat, on the game board, or off the game board does not matter.
If a Raiding Group is off the game board, it can only take action II though.

At the start of the game, all Raiding Groups are in the Boat. You can move a Raiding Group from the Boat to the adjacent Beach (if there is space), or from the Beach back to the Boat. This does not cost any cards.
If you lose one or more Raiding Groups, you can play an Explorer card to return a lost Raiding Group to the Boat. Playing an Explorer card is considered an action.
There are Roads leading from the Beach to the Hinterland. To move a Raiding Group along a Road, you must play a card showing the appropriate Terrain and place the card on the discard pile.
The Hinterland features Roads going in all directions. To return to the Beach, you must again play an appropriate Terrain card. The same applies if you want to move to an adjacent Hinterland.
To raid a Village, you must first choose one of the four Roads leading to it (white, green, blue, red) and play the appropriate Terrain cards (3 different ones each for white and green, 2 different ones each for blue and red).
Then look at the Road Tile and follow the Road you chose to the Treasure Tile to which it leads. Take that Treasure Tile and return your Raiding Group to the Hinterland-this does not cost any additional cards.
You must play all required cards at once; you cannot stop part way along a Road. There is only one Treasure at the end of each Road-it does not make any sense to raid an already raided Village again.
You can spy with a Raiding Group by playing an Explorer card. If you do, look at the other side of a Road Tile of your choice.
B. Drawing Cards
Draw 2 cards. For each Raiding Group you have in the Hinterland (not at the Beach), you draw one additi- onal card. So in total, you can draw up to 5 cards.
Terrain and Explorer Cards
There are three types of cards: Single Terrain cards, Double Terrain cards, and Explorer cards.

Single Terrain cards allow a Raiding Group to move through the depicted Terrain type.

Double Terrain cards show two different Terrain types. When you play such a card, you can choose one of the depicted Terrain types-but not both!
Instead, you can discard any 3 cards - single or double - to move a raiding group regardless of terrain.

Explorer cards are wild cards. You can use them in three different ways:
As a terrain card of any type.
As a Spy to look at the other side of a face-down Road Tile. Mark the Road Tile you look at with a Shield Marker in your color. You can look at a Road Tile you marked at any time.
As Reinforcement to put a Raiding Group you lost back into the Boat.
When you play an Explorer card, you must choose one of the three actions it provides and carry it out. Immediately afterward, move the Boat to the right-into the next Bay.
If the Boat is already in the rightmost Bay and about to move, take the leftmost Bay Board, turn it to the other side, and place it next to the Bay Board at right (then move the Boat to it).
Place a new Road Tile and 4 new Treasure Tiles (in descending numerical order) on it, as you did during setup. All Treasure Tiles and Raiding Groups that were on the Bay Board before it moved must be returned to the game box. (Keep in mind you can get your Raiding Group back if you play an Explorer card as Reinforcement).
The same applies when both the left and the middle Bay Board have no more Treasure Tiles. If that happens, turn the leftmost Bay Board and add it at right, removing any Raiding Groups from it.
Then place a new Road Tile and new Treasure Tiles on it. If the Boat was still at the Bay Board when it moved, move it to the first Bay of the next Bay Board.
Example: The Boat is about to move off the Board. Remove all the pieces from the Bay Board at left, turn it over, and place it next to the Bay Board at right. The blue Raiding Group is lost-for now. You can return it to the Boat later by playing an Explorer card.

End of the Game
The game ends immediately when the Boat moves off the Board for the 4th time (usually when the 12th Explorer card is played), requiring a Bay Board be moved although there are no more Treasure and Road Tiles left to be replaced.
Total your Treasure Tiles to determine your scores. The player with the higher score wins.
The game also ends when all 3 Bay Boards are devoid of Treasure Tiles and no player plays an Explorer card for the next two turns.
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