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Rating: 7.2 Good
Players: 2-4 players
Playing time: 40-413 minutes

Official Site: Fort by Leder Games

Created by: Grant Rodiek, Kyle Ferrin

Published by: Leder Games


Fort is a 2-4 player card game about building forts and following friends.

In Fort, you're a kid! And like many kids, you want to grow your circle of friends, collect pizza and toys, and build the coolest fort.

By doing this cool stuff, you'll score victory points, and at the end of the game, the player with the most victory points wins!

Your cards not only let you take actions on your own turn, but also let you follow the other players' actions on their turns. Will you devote yourself to your own posse, or copy what the other kids are doing?

But be careful as your carefully constructed deck might start losing cards if you don't actually use them. After all, if you don't play with your friends, why should they hang out with you anymore?

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You're a kid! And like many kids, you want to grow your circle of friends, grab a bunch of pizza and toys, and build the best fort. Naturally, by doing this cool stuff you'll score victory points, and at the end of the game, the player with the most victory points is the winner!

Fort is a deckbuilding game with a twist-your cards not only let you take actions on your own turn, but also let you follow the other players' actions on their turns. Will you devote yourself to your own posse or copy what the other kids are doing? …

Gather Resource

Gain the resource (pizza or toys) shown from the shared

supply and place it in your Stuff. If this action lets you choose to gain either pizza or toys, you may only gain all pizza or all toys, not a mixture.

Pack Resource

Take one resource from your Stuff and place it in your Pack.

Why would I want to pack resources?

Some actions and made-up rules let you score points based on the resources in your Pack, and you can copy everything in your Pack by using the Copy Pack action. …

Glossary: Made-up Rules

If a made-up rule scores points based on cards or suits you have, count all your cards in your deck, discard, hand, Yard, and Lookout.

Big Plans: At the end of the game, score 1 point per Advance Fort action you have. This includes when it is only part of an action, like on Lefty and Dot. It does not include the DIY perk card.

Friendship Bracelet: At the end of the game, score 1 point for each different suit you have, except the coin () suit. If you have all six suits, score an extra 1 point. …

Oath, Fort, Root, and the subtle arts of design & development with Nick Brachmann of Leder Games

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