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Rating: 6.4 Fair
Players: 2-5 players
Playing time: 90-127 minutes

Official Site: Official Raccoon Tycoon Page

Created by: Glenn Drover, Jacoby O'Connor, Annie Stegg

Published by: Forbidden Games


Astoria is a land bustling with productivity and growth! New towns, factories, and railroads are springing up across the land.

A few savvy business tycoons (you and your opponents) are determined to make your fortunes on the crest of this wave.

These tycoons start out as the producers of the key commodities: wheat to feed the growing towns and factories, wood and iron to build them, coal to fuel the trains and factories, and manufactured goods and luxuries to fill the insatiable demand of the animals of Astoria.

Cornering the market for the most valuable commodities can create small fortunes that can be invested in the new businesses, turning them into huge fortunes.

The sky is the limit during this Gilded Age!

Retail Price:$52
Raccoon Tycoon: Jack Rabbit Railroad

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In Raccoon Tycoon, players try to produce the most valuable commodities in an ever-changing marketplace. They then use those commodities to build towns, or sell them at the best price to secure great profits.

These profits can be used to win auctions for all-important railroads or to buy buildings that can give players power-ups or bonuses in production. Owning the best towns and railroads determines victory.

There can be only one 'top dog' in Astoria. Will it be you?


  • Game Board
  • 180 Commodity Tokens
  • Start Player Token
  • Money
  • 27 Building tiles
  • 24 Railroad cards
  • 16 Town cards
  • 54 Price & Production cards
  • 12 Mission cards
  • Rulebook


A Shuffle the Price & Production cards and deal 3 cards to each player. B Place the remaining cards near the board as a draw deck. …

Basic Commodity Bonus Building Tiles

Wheat Field (B): +1 Wheat $4.

Grain Farm (B): +2 Wheat $9.

Lumber Yard (B): +1 Wood $4.

Saw Mill (B): +2 Wood $9.

Coal Deposit (B): +1 Coal $5.

Coal Mine (B): +2 Coal $12.

Iron Deposit (B): +1 Iron $5.

Iron Mine (B): +2 Iron $12.

Tool & Die (B): +1 Goods $6.

Loom (B): +2 Goods $15.

Vineyard (B): +1 Luxury $6.

Glass Works (B): +2 Luxury $15.

Advanced Building Tiles

Machine Shop (B): +1 Commodity of your choice $30

Water Mill (B_): +2 Commodities of your choice $60

Lumber/ Wheat Trading Firm

You get $1/ unit of Wood or Wheat that is sold by any player. $10 …

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