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At game end, worth 1 point for each Common Construction in your city.


When you place a worker here, reveal 4 cards from the draw pile or discard pile and play 1 of them for free. Discard the others. Your worker must stay here permanently. Cemetery may only have up to 2 workers on it, but the second spot must be unlocked by having a Undertaker in your city.


When you place a worker here, place 1 point token on the Chapel. Draw 2 cards for every 1 point token on the Chapel.

Clock Tower

When you play the Clock Tower, place 3 point tokens on it. Before you bring back your workers during a Prepare for Season action, remove 1 point token from the Clock Tower and activate one of the basic or Forest locations where you have a worker deployed. Any points left on the Clock Tower at game's end will count towards your point total.


Gain 1 twig, 1 resin, or 1 pebble every time you play a Construction into your city. You do not gain resources for playing this Courthouse.


When you play a Construction, you may discard this Crane from your city to decrease the cost of the played Construction by 3 of any resource. You do not gain the 3 resources. This card cannot be combined with any other card-playing abilities-including the Inn, any forest tiles that allow you to play a card, or cards like the Dungeon.


When you are playing a Construction or a Critter, you may place a Critter from your city beneath this Dungeon to decrease the cost of the played card by 3 of any resource. You do not gain the 3 resources. The Critter in your Dungeon is no longer considered part of your city and is not worth any points.

This card cannot be combined with any other card-playing abilities-including the Inn, any forest tiles that allow you to play a card, or cards like the Crane or inkeeper. Dungeon can only have up to 2 prisoners, but the second cell must be unlocked by having a Ranger in your city.

Ever Tree

At game end, worth 1 point for each purple Prosperity card in your city, including this Ever Tree. Ever Tree can grant 1 of any Critter for free.

Fair Grounds

When played and during Production, draw 2 cards.


When played and during Production, gain 1 berry.

General Store

When played and during Production, gain 1 berry or gain 2 berries if you have a Farm in your city (not 2 berries per Farm).


When you place a worker here, play a Critter or Construction from the Meadow cards for 3 less resources of your choice. You do not gain the 3 resources. You gain 1 point token if an opponent visits your Inn. Solo Game: you may visit the Inn in Rugwort's City and Rugwort gains 1 point token.


When you place a worker here, copy any 1 basic or Forest location, even if it is occupied by 1 of your workers.


When played and during Production, gain 1 pebble.


When you place a worker here, give 2 of any resources to an opponent and then gain 4 points. Worker stays here permanently. Monastery can only have up to 2 workers on it, but the second spot must be unlocked by having a Monk in your city.


At game end, worth 1 point for each Unique Construction in your city, including this Palace.

Post Office

When you place a worker here, give an opponent 2 cards from your hand and then discard any amount of cards from your hand that you want. Then draw cards from the draw pile up to your hand limit.

You gain 1 point token if an opponent visits your Post Office. Solo Game: you may visit the Post Office in Rugwort's City and and Rugwort gains 1 point token.

Resin Refinery

When played and during Production, gain 1 resin.


When played, discard a Construction from your city and place this card in that spot, then receive back that Construction's listed cost in resources. Also draw 2 cards.


At game end, worth 1 point for each Common Critter in your city.

Storehouse: When played and during Production, take from the supply and place either 3 twigs, 2 resin, 1 pebble, or 2 berries on this card. Also works as a location to place a worker and take all of the resources on the card.


At game end is worth 1 point for each Unique Critter in your city.

Twig Barge

When played and during Production, gain 2 twigs.


When you place a worker here, discard 1 Construction or Critter from your city and receive back the listed cost of resources of the discarded card, plus gain 1 of any resource and gain 1 point. If you discard a card with a permanent worker on it, place that worker on the University permanently instead (you do not get the worker back).

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