Here are some other rules that you will use during a typical game.
Ammo (Marines Only)
In order to attack with any given weapon, a marine player must have at least one ammo token of the corresponding type on his ammo bin. Invaders can ignore the ammo rules entirely, as their attacks are different in nature.
The ammo required by a particular weapon is illustrated on the reference sheets. Weapons that show an infinity symbol (oo) do not require, nor expend, ammo.

After a marine has rolled for an attack, he must always check for ammo expenditure. If one or more of his rolled dice show a bullet icon, the marine player must immediately discard 1 ammo token of the type used by the attacking weapon.
Only 1 ammo token is discarded per attack, regardless of how many bullet icons are showing.
Important: When a marine is attacking with a weapon that has the blow-through ability, the attack cannot be "walked" to another space unless the marine has at least 1 remaining ammo token of the type required by the weapon.
The UAC Mars base uses thick metal doors designed to block heavy weapons fire. Closed doors are represented by a door token placed between exactly four spaces (2 in front, 2 behind).
When a door is opened, slide it off the board to one side. If the door is closed again (by either marines or invaders), simply slide the door back onto the board to its original closed position.

Closed doors block movement and all attacks (even those that don't require line of sight). It is possible for both marines and invaders to expend movement points to open or close doors, but only if their figure is located on one of the spaces adjacent to the door's closed position.
It costs a figure 2 spaces of movement to either open or close a door. Doors cannot be destroyed by attacks (although the invader player has a "Smash" card that can destroy doors), and they cannot be closed if the "door line" is blocked by an oversized invader.
Security Doors
Three of the doors in the game have the image of a key token illustrated on them. These doors begin play locked, and cannot be opened unless a marine first finds the corresponding key token.
Once a key token has been picked up by a marine, it is placed next to the compass rose to indicate that security doors of this color are now unlocked for all marines for the duration of the game.
Invaders can never open or close a security door (although the invader player can destroy a security door with the "Smash" card).
Equipment Tokens
As the board is revealed, various types of equipment are placed on it as directed by each scenario. This equipment can be new weapons, armor, extra health, ammo, or other special items. The following rules apply to all equipment tokens:
Equipment tokens may only be picked up by marines.
During his turn, a marine may automatically pick up an equipment token in the space he is occupying (it does not cost him any movement points to do so).
During his turn, a marine may give weapon or ammo tokens to adjacent marines at the cost of 1 movement point per token given.
Ammo Tokens

These tokens represent ammunition for the marines' weapons. When a marine picks up an ammo token, he places it on the proper area of his equipment bin.
Armor Tokens

These tokens represent high tech armor that provides valuable protection for the marines. When a marine picks up an armor equipment token, he places it on his equipment bin in the armor area.
The number of armor tokens on his equipment bin provides a marine's armor rating. Armor cannot be given to other marines, and any armor in excess of a marine's starting armor is discarded when a marine is fragged.
Health Tokens

These tokens represent painkillers and other medical supplies that the marines can use to treat their wounds.
When a marine picks up a health token, he must immediately discard it from play and then return up to 3 wound markers previously removed from his equipment bin.
If the marine is already at full health (i.e., no wound markers have been removed from his equipment bin), he cannot pick up health tokens.
Key Tokens

These tokens represent passcodes or key cards used to unlock secure doors in the base. When a marine picks up a key token, he immediately places it next to the compass rose. This indicates that all security doors of this color are now unlocked for all marines for the rest of the game.
Weapon Tokens

These tokens represent the weapons found in the Mars base that the marines can use against the invaders. When a marine picks up a weapon token, he simply places it on his reference sheet to show that he has the weapon.
Remember that a marine can only fire a given weapon if he has at least one ammo token of the corresponding type.
Adrenaline Tokens

These tokens represent a drug that can boost a marine's speed. When a marine picks up an adrenaline token, he places it by his equipment. At the start of a later turn, the marine may discard the adrenaline token to add 4 spaces to his movement for the turn.
Berserk Tokens

These tokens represent a drug that drives a marine berserk. When a marine picks up a berserk token, he immediately places it by his equipment bin with the unfaded side up.
While a marine possesses a berserk token he may only attack with his fists, but any hit will instantly kill any invader, regardless of the invader's armor or wound rating.
The effects of the berserk token quickly fade. At the end of the marine's next turn, he turns the token over, revealing the half-faded side.
Then, at the end of the following turn, he discards the berserk token. If the marine is fragged, he must immediately discard the berserk token.
Whenever a marine has line of sight to an unrevealed portion of the board, it is immediately revealed by the invader player. The invader player sets up the new area of the board, places monsters, equipment, and other tokens.
Once the new section of the board has been set up as directed by the scenario, the invader player reads aloud a bit of text from the Scenario Guide that describes the new area. Play then continues where it left off. For a more detailed description of this process, please see the cover of the Scenario Guide.
Frags & Kills
When an invader receives a number of wounds equal to its wound rating, it is killed. Killed invaders are simply removed from the board along with their wound tokens.
The invader figure is returned to the invader player's reserves, and the wound tokens are returned to the pile near the board. Killed invader figures may return to the board again as needed (when revealing a new area or when the invader player plays a spawn card).
When a marine removes the last wound token from his equipment bin, he is fragged. Remove the fragged marine figure from the board, remembering which space he last occupied.
When a marine is fragged, the marine player returns his starting wound and armor tokens to his equipment bin. If a fragged marine has managed to pick up additional armor tokens, he must now discard back down to the armor tokens he started the game with.
Any berserk token on a fragged marine is also discarded. A marine's other equipment tokens (weapons, armor, etc). and his marine cards are not affected by being fragged.
After reconciling his equipment bin, the fragged marine must wait until the start of his next turn to respawn on the board.
During his next turn, before announcing his action, the marine player places his figure back on the board by following these rules:
The respawn space must be a revealed empty space.
The respawn space must be at least 8 spaces away from the space where the marine was fragged.
The respawn space must be no more than 16 spaces away from the space where the marine was fragged.
If all the above points cannot be met, the marine will respawn in the space that corresponds to the rules as closely as possible. If multiple such spaces exist, the marine player may choose which one he wants to respawn at.
After a marine has been fragged, the invader player takes a wound token from the pile near the board and keeps it as a "frag point". In the KNEE DEEP IN THE DEAD scenario, as soon as the invader player accumulates 6 frag points, he immediately wins the game.
![]() Marine Action Cards |
Marine Orders
When a marine chooses to take a ready action at the beginning of his turn, he may place one of the three orders (aim, guard, or dodge) next to his marine on the board.
Note that the special heal order may also be placed, but only by a marine who drew the Medic marine card at the beginning of the game.
A marine can only have one order at any one time. A marine that has already been issued an order cannot receive another order until the first order is used or removed.

A marine that has placed an aim order may make an aimed attack.
Before this marine rolls dice for an attack, he may discard the aim order to declare that he is making an aimed attack. This allows him to re-roll any number of dice after rolling for the attack (including any dice showing the "miss" result). The marine must keep the second result.
Example: A marine declares that he is making an aimed attack, and discards his aim order. He then attacks an imp using his pistol. The player rolls 1 yellow and 1 green die.
The yellow die rolls a miss, so he chooses to re-roll this result hoping for a better outcome. Whatever he rolls, the marine is stuck with the second result.
An aim order stays with a marine until discarded by one of the fol- lowing events: 1) the marine takes 1 or more wounds, 2) the marine moves 1 or more spaces, or 3) the marine discards the order to make an aimed attack.

A marine that has placed a guard order may make an interrupt attack.
At any point during the invader player's turn, a Guard Order marine may discard his guard order to immediately interrupt the invader player's turn and make one attack (following all the normal rules for line of sight and attacking).
The invader player's turn is immediately halted (even if the invader player was about to attack with an invader figure), allowing the marine to resolve his interrupt attack. After the interrupt attack is completed and any casualties are removed, the invader player may continue his turn.
The invader player must allow for an interrupt attack at any time, and must reverse any movement/attack if it was made too fast for the marine player to have a chance to declare an interrupt attack. If a marine player declines to make an interrupt attack, however, he may not change his mind later.
Aguard order stays with a marine until discarded by one of the fol- lowing events: 1) the marine takes 1 or more wounds, 2) the beginning of the marine's next turn, or 3) the marine discards the order to make an interrupt attack.

A marine that has placed a dodge order, may, when attacked, force his attacker (usually the invader player) to re-roll any number of dice used in the attack.
The marine player may only do this once for each attack, and must accept the second result.
Example: A marine has placed a dodge order and is later attacked by a zombie. The invader player rolls 1 red die and 1 blue die. The marine can force the zombie to re-roll either one or both of the attack dice, but he can only do this once per attack.
A dodge order stays with a marine until the start of his next turn (which means that he can "dodge" multiple attacks).
Important: If an aimed attack is made against a dodging target, both abilities are ignored for that attack.
Heal (Special Order)
Only a marine with the Medic card can place a heal order.

A marine that has placed a heal order may discard Heal Order this order from the board at any time to heal either himself or a marine in an adjacent space.
The healed marine may return 1 wound token to his equipment bin (a marine at full health may not be healed). This ability may be used before an attack-but not after the attack dice have been rolled.
Thus, any damage dealt by an attack must be resolved before a heal order can be used.

Example: A marine with the Medic card has readied a heal order during his last action. He is now standing next to another marine with only 3 wounds remaining.
An invader is about to attack the weaker marine, but the medic decides not to use the heal order at this time.
The invader makes a strong attack roll that deals 3 wounds to the marine, fragging him. It is now too late for the medic to heal the marine. The frag could have been prevented, of course, if the medic had decided to use the heal order before the attack.
A heal order stays with a marine until discarded by one of the fol- lowing events: 1) the beginning of the marine's next turn, or 2) the marine discards the order to heal himself or another marine.
Important: Only a marine with the medic card may ever place or use a heal order.
Melee Attacks
Melee attacks represent close combat between figures in DOOM: THE BOARD GAME. Melee attacks are most often used by the invaders, but the marines may sometimes also have to resort to melee attacks. A
weapon or invader with a red bottom baron the reference sheet may only make melee attacks. A melee attack works just like a normal attack, with the following exceptions.
A melee attack can only target an adjacent space.
A melee attack only misses if a miss result is rolled. Range results are ignored during melee attacks.
Movement Actions
Besides moving, figures can use some or all of their movement allowance to perform other tasks. The following table lists these tasks and the number of spaces required to execute them:
Spaces Used | Task |
0 | Pick up a token in your spaced |
1 | Move from one teleporter to another |
1 | Move from one duct to another |
1 | Give 1 weapon or ammo token to adjacent marine |
2 | Open or close normal door |
2 | Open or close security door |
Blocking Obstacles

Blocking obstacles block line of sight as well as movement through the spaces they occupy. However, attacks that do not require line of sight (such as seeking attacks) may trace their range through blocking obstacles.
Damaging Obstacles
Damaging obstacles do not block line of sight or movement. Whenever a figure enters a space occupied by a damaging obstacle, that figure suffers 1 automatic wound, regardless of armor.
If a marine is fragged in this manner, the frag gives the invader player one frag point (if applicable to the scenario).

A figure that remains on a damaging obstacle for its entire turn/activation automatically takes an additional wound at the end of its turn/activation.
Important: A figure that is moved into a damaging obstacle via the knockback ability, must immediately take a wound, but will not take an additional wound (for being in the space) during its own turn/activation unless it decides to stay in the space.
Exploding Barrels

These obstacles block line of sight and movement like blocking obstacles. If an exploding barrel suffers even 1 point of damage (either from a direct attack or the blast from an attack), the barrel immediately explodes.
Remove the barrel from the board and deal 1 automatic wound to all figures adjacent to it. Both invaders and marines may target spaces that contain barrels.

Teleporters allow instant movement from one part of the board to another. By using a single space of movement, a marine (but not an invader) may move from a space containing a teleporter to any space containing another teleporter of the same color.
A marine may move via teleporter even if the other end of the teleporter has not yet been revealed. In this case, the new area is immediately revealed by the invader player.
If the new area is not yet connected to the rest of the map, simply keep the two parts of the map separate until an area is revealed that joins them (assuming one exists).

Ducts work like teleporters, with the following exceptions:
Ducts can only be used by invaders, and then only by invaders with the scuttle ability.
An invader can, with one space of movement, move from any duct to any other duct on the board.
Invaders cannot move to ducts that are not revealed or that are blocked (stood upon) by a marine (i.e., ducts cannot reveal areas or be used to telefrag).
When a teleporting marine materializes inside another creature, that creature explodes. In other words, if a marine teleports into a space containing all or a part of an invader figure, the invader is automatically killed. It is not possible for the invader player to block off teleporters by standing on them.
Oversized Invaders
Some invaders take up 2 or even 4 spaces. The following special rules are associated with oversized figures:
Oversized figures occupy all of the spaces they fill. Line of sight can be traced to or from the center of any of those spaces.
Oversized figures can only be targeted once by a single attack, even if a blast or sweep attack covers multiple spaces occupied by the figure. Likewise, oversized figures only take 1 wound from damaging obstacles per move, no matter how many spaces containing damaging obstacles they enter.
Demons occupy 2 spaces. A demon must move in one of the following two ways 1) The demon moves one half of its body into a non-diagonal adjacent space while the other half of its body moves into the space that the first half just vacated, or 2).
The demon moves to a diagonally adjacent space by moving both halves of its body in the same diagonal direction (also called "sidestepping"). Both types of movement are illustrated in the accompanying diagram.Other oversized figures (mancubus, hell knight, and cyberdemon) each occupy 4 spaces. When moving, these figures move like regular figures, and must always occupy four existing spaces, as shown in the diagram.

There are two main effects that cause dice re-rolls in Doom: the Board Game. These are dodges and aimed attacks. All re-rolls work the same way.
The player causing the re-roll chooses one or more of the dice involved in the attack, and then the attacker rolls those dice again, keeping the new result. Under no circumstances may a single attack ever be re-rolled more than once.
If an attack is affected by both a dodge (whether via a marine order or the invader dodge card) and an aimed attack (again, regardless of how the attack came to be aimed), then the two effects cancel each other out and the attack is not re-rolled at all.
Some weapons have the blast ability (see the back cover of Ulis rules booklet). These weapons will scatter if they miss (whether they missed because of insufficient range or by a miss result), meaning that they will deviate from their intended target space.

If a blast attack misses, determine its new destination by drawing the top card of the invader deck and consulting the scatter diagram on the bottom of the card. Turn it so that the compass rose on the card is facing the same direction as the compass rose token on the board.
Then find the space indicated by the number and direction shown from the original target space. If moving to this new space from Hie original target space does not pass through any walls, blocking obstacles, or through a closed door, the attack will hit this new space instead of its original target.
If the scatter movement causes the attack to move through a wall, blocking obstacle, or move through a closed door, the attack explodes harmlessly.
Some scatter diagrams show a "miss" icon. If such a card is drawn, there is no scatter movement and the attack explodes harmlessly and with no effect. See the diagram for a detailed example of scatter movement.
The drawn invader card is discarded after use. If this was the last card in the deck, the invader player scores an automatic frag point, and then reshuffles the discard pile into a new invader deck.
Timing and "Start of Turn"
Whenever there is a question of timing, such as to whether an event card can go off before a marine can take an action, etc., the event card always receives precedence as long as the invader player declares his intent to play the event card in a timely fashion.
This is also true for the marine guard order.
Example: The "DarkEnergies" card reads, "Play immediately before a marine attacks an invader Remove 1 •wound from an invader of your choice".
If a marine player doesn't give the invader player the opportunity to play a card before he attacks and just starts rolling dice, the invader player can quickly interrupt and play his card before the attack is resolved.
Many invader event cards contain the phrase "Play at the start of your turn". These cards must be played after the invader player has discarded down to 8 cards for the turn, but before he has activated his first invader for the turn.
Event cards that say "Play immediately before a marine takes his turn" can be played until the marine player declares his action. As always, the invader player should be given a reasonable chance to play his cards first.
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