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First you choose and reveal a card from your hand. You may place up to 2 copies of that card from your hand back in the Supply. You may choose not to put any of them back in the Supply. Then the other players each gain a copy of it from the Supply.

If the pile for the chosen card runs out, some players may not get one; cards are given out in turn order starting with the next player. If you have no other cards in hand when you play this, it does nothing.


You draw a card, get 2 more Actions to use, and get 1 more coin to spend this turn.


Draw a card at the start of your next turn (not before); Caravan itself is discarded during the Clean-up phase of that subsequent turn.


Other players must discard one and only one Copper. If they do not have a Copper, they must reveal their hand for all players to see.


You can pick any pile in the supply. If multiple Embargo cards are used to put Embargo tokens on the same pile, a player gains a Curse card for every Embargo token when they buy a card from that pile. You do not gain a Curse card if you gain a card from an Embargoed pile without buying it (for example, if you gain a card with Smugglers).

If you Throne Room an Embargo, you place two Embargo tokens and they do not have to go on the same Supply pile. If you run out of Embargo tokens, use a suitable replacement to mark Embargoed piles. If there are no Curses left, Embargo tokens do nothing.


You don't have to reveal a Province if you have one. If you do reveal one you gain a Gold, otherwise you gain a Silver. The gained card comes from the supply and is put into your hand; it can be spent the same turn.

Fishing Village

You get a coin to spend and 2 more Actions to use this turn. At the start of your next turn you get a coin and only one more Action. This means you will be able to play 2 Actions total on your next turn (counting your normal Action). Leave this in front of you until the Clean-up phase of your next turn.

Ghost Ship

The other players choose which cards they put on their decks and in what order. This has no effect on another player who already has only 3 cards in hand. A player with no cards left in their deck does not shuffle; the cards put back become the only cards in their deck.


First draw a card; then choose a card from your hand and set it aside, face down. Put the set aside card on the Haven, to remind you what it's for. Other players don't get to see what you put down.

You have to set aside a card; it's not optional. Haven and the card stay there until the start of your next turn, at which point you put the set aside card into your hand. Haven itself is discarded during the Clean-up phase of that subsequent turn.


When you first take this card, take an Island player mat. Island is both an Action card and a Victory card. In a 3- or 4-player game, use 12 Islands. Use 8 Islands in a 2-player game. Island and the card set aside with it are set aside face up on the Island player mat provided.

They should not be shuffled back into your deck when you shuffle your discard pile. They are returned to your deck at the end of the game in order to calculate total victory points.

Island is worth 2 shield. If you have no other cards in hand when you play Island, just set Island aside by itself. If you Throne Room an Island, set aside the Island and a card from your hand, then set aside another card from your hand.

You may look through the cards on your Island playing mat (they are face up) and other players may ask to see what you have there as well.


You get an action and a coin this turn, but only a coin next turn. Attack cards played by other players don't affect you, even if you want them to.

You could reveal Secret Chamber in order to draw 2 cards and put 2 cards from your hand back on top of your deck when an Attack card is played, and you will still not suffer from the Attack card.

You do still gain the benefits (like + Cards) of Attack cards you play on your turn. Lighthouse is discarded during the Clean-up phase of your next turn.


If you do not have 3 cards to look at from the top of your deck, look at as many as you can and then shuffle your discard pile to look at the remaining cards.

You should look at all 3 cards before deciding which card to trash, which card to discard, and which card to put back on top of your deck. If the 3 cards you look at are the last 3 cards in your deck, the card you put back on top of your deck will be the only card left in your deck.

If you have less than 3 cards to look at, even after shuffling, then you must follow the instructions on the card in order. If you only have one card to look at, you must trash it. If you have 2 cards to look at, you must trash one and discard one.

Merchant Ship

You get 2 coins to spend this turn, and 2 more on your next turn. Leave this in front of you until the Clean-up phase of your next turn.

Native Village

When you first gain one of these, take a Native Village player mat to put cards from this on. When you play Native Village, either take all of the set aside cards from your Native Village player mat and put them into your hand, or set aside the top card of your deck face down (shuffling first if needed) on the Native Village player mat. You may choose either option even if you have no cards on your mat or no cards in your deck.

You may look at the cards on your Native Village player mat at any time. At the end of the game, any cards still on your mat return to your deck for scoring. Native Village itself does not get set aside; it goes to your discard pile during the Clean-up phase.


You discard all 5 cards or none of them. If you don't discard them, put them back in any order. If there aren't 5 cards left in your deck, look at as many as you can, then shuffle your discard pile (not including the cards you are currently looking at),and look at the rest.

If there still aren't 5, you just look at however many are left, and put them back or discard them.


The extra turn is completely normal except that your starting hand for it is only 3 cards. This means that you only drew 3 cards instead of 5 cards during the Clean-up phase of the turn when you played Outpost.

Leave Outpost in front of you until the end of the extra turn. If you play Outpost as well as a "Now and at the start of your next turn" card, such as Merchant Ship, the turn from Outpost will be that next turn, so you'll get those coins then.

If you manage to play Outpost twice in one turn, you will still only get one extra turn. If you play Outpost during an extra turn, it won't give you another turn.

Pearl Diver

Draw a card before you look at the bottom card of your deck. If placing the card on top of your deck, be sure not to look at the next card on the bottom of your deck while moving the card. If you have no cards left when it's time to look at the bottom, you shuffle first.

Pirate Ship

When you first take this card, take a Pirate Ship player mat. If you use the Pirate Ship to trash treasures, a player with just one card left reveals that last card and then shuffles to get the other card to reveal (without including the revealed card); a player with no cards left shuffles to get both of them.

A player who still doesn't have two cards to reveal after shuffling just reveals what he can. Each player trashes one Treasure card at most, of the attacker's choice from the two revealed cards. As long as you trashed at least one Treasure card in this way, place a Coin token on your Pirate Ship player mat. You can't get more than one Coin token each time you play Pirate Ship, no matter how many treasures it trashes.

If you choose not to try to trash treasures from the other players, the Pirate Ship is worth one coin for each Coin token on your Pirate Ship player mat.

The Coin tokens are cumulative, so after you have used your Pirate Ships to trash coins 3 times (and you trash at least one Treasure card each time), any Pirate Ship you play could be worth 3 coins.

Pirate Ship is an Action-Attack and players can reveal Secret Chamber even if you choose to use Pirate Ship for the coin value.


If you have at least one card in your hand, then you must trash one. If you don't have a card in hand left to trash, you get no coins, but still get the +1 Buy.

Sea Hag

A player with no cards left in his deck shuffles first in order to get a card to discard. If he still has no cards, he doesn't discard one. A player discarding his last card to this has the gained Curse become the only card in his deck.

If there aren't enough Curses left to go around, deal them out in turn order, starting with the player to the left of the player who played Sea Hag.


This looks at the most recent turn of the player to your right, even if you've taken multiple turns in a row. If that player gained no cards, or nothing costing 6 or less, then Smugglers does nothing.

If that player gained multiple cards costing 6 or less, you choose which one to gain a copy of. Gained cards must come from the supply. They can be any card gained, whether bought or otherwise gained; you can even gain a card that the previous player gained with Smugglers.

If the previous player gained a card via Black Market, you will not be able to gain a copy of it, as there are no copies of it in the supply. This is not an Attack; Lighthouse and Moat can't stop it.


You wait until the start of your next turn to draw the 5 extra cards; you don't draw them at the end of the turn you played Tactician. Tactician stays out in front of you until the Clean-up phase of your next turn.

Because you must discard at least one card in order to gain the bonuses from Tactician, it is not possible to Throne Room a Tactician to get + 10 cards, +2 Buys, and + 2 Actions.

You will have to discard all of your cards with the first Tactician and you will not have cards left in your hand to trigger the card drawing or the extra Buy or the extra Action when you play Tactician for the second time.

Treasure Map

You can play this without another Treasure Map in your hand; if you do, you trash this and gain nothing. You have to actually trash two copies of Treasure Map to gain the Golds.

So for example if you Throne Room a Treasure Map, with two more Treasure Maps in hand, then the first time Treasure Map resolves you trash it and another one and gain 4 Golds, and the second time it resolves you trash your other Treasure Map but gain nothing (since you didn't actually trash the played Treasure Map that time).

If there aren't enough Gold cards left, just gain what you can. The gained Golds go on top of your Deck. If your deck was empty they become the only cards in it.


If you buy multiple cards and at least one of them is a Victory card, then none of your Treasuries can be put on top of your deck. If you played multiple Treasuries and did not buy a Victory card this turn, then you can put any or all of the played Treasuries on top of your deck.

If you forget and discard a Treasury to your discard pile, then essentially you have chosen not to use the optional ability.

You may not dig through your discard pile to retrieve it later. Gaining a Victory card without buyi ng it, such as with Smugglers, does not stop you from putting Treasury on top of your deck.


If you do not have 3 cards to draw in you deck, draw as many as you can, shuffle your discard pile, and draw the remaining cards. If you are still not able to draw 3 cards, draw as many as you can.

You will still need to discard 3 cards if you can, even if you couldn't draw 3. You may discard any combination of cards that you just drew with the Warehouse or cards that were previously in your hand.


You draw 2 cards and get an extra Buy this turn, and then draw 2 more cards and get another extra Buy at the start of your next turn. You don't draw your extra 2 cards for next turn until that turn actually starts. Leave this in front of you until the Clean-up phase of your next turn.

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