How did dinosaurs become extinct? Nobody knows for sure... But you can try to save your species from extinction, running as fast as possible through plains, deserts, swamps and jungles while avoiding the nasty tricks of your opponents!

- 12 terrain tiles (3 for each tile) with lava tiles on the back
- 1 volcano tile
- 40 movement cards (8 for each terrain type + 8 wildcards)
- 12 special cards (4 for each type of special action)
- 8 dinosaurs (2 for each species)
- 1 dinosaur egg
- 1 event die
- 4 egg counters
- 12 prize counters
- 22 lava drops
Object of the Game
Each player must bring his dinosaur couple to the end of the race track. When one of your dinos finishes the race, you receive a prize counter, scoring points. You also score points if you bring the egg to safety. The player with most points wins.
First, prepare the race track. Place the volcano tile with the "quiet" side up, to indicate the start of the track.
Use 12 terrain tiles (three of each type: plains, desert, swamp, jungle) for the track.
Shuffle the 12 tiles. Place the first tile adjacent to the volcano tile, then place all the other tiles in a row, forming a 12-hex long track. Place all tiles with the terrain side up.
Each player chooses a color and takes the two dinos of the chosen color. Then, he must place one dino on the first tile of the track (next to the volcano), the other dino on the second tile.

Shuffle all of the cards (special and movement cards) in a single deck. Deal 5 cards to each player, to form the starting hand. The remaining cards are placed in a deck beside the race track.
Finally, draw a number of prize counters equal to the number of dinos in the race, to form a stack. The other prize counters are put back in the box, without looking at them. Set aside the event die, egg counters, and the lava drops - you'll need them later!
The player who has seen most recently a movie with dinosaurs begins play and takes the dinosaur egg.
Game Play
Starting with the first player, the race begins. Play then proceeds clockwise. The turn of each player is divided into three phases:
- Draw cards
- Play and swap cards
- Roll the event die
1. Draw Cards
The current player draws as many cards as the dinos he still has on the track: Two cards if both his dinos are still on the track, one card after one of them finishes the race.
There is no limit to the number of cards a player may have in his hand. When the deck runs out of cards, reshuffle the discarded ones to form a new deck.
2. Play and Swap Cards
After drawing cards, the current player may play as many cards as he wants, taking the action matching the card. So, you can move your dinos several times, or play several tricks on your opponents, or do both!
There are two types of cards: movement cards and special cards.
Playing movement cards: Movement cards are used to get your dinos running! Look at the next terrain tile on the track, in front of your dino. You must play a card matching that tile to move the dino forward one tile.

Some movement cards show all four terrain types on their face. These are wildcards, and can be used to advance your dino to the next tile, no matter the type.
If you don't have the right card, you may also discard three cards of the same type to advance one of your dinos to the next tile, just like a wildcard.
Playing special cards: You may use the special cards to play tricks on an opponent, but only if their dino is in the same tile as your dino! There are three different special cards, with different effects:
Push Back
With this action, you may shove the opponent's dino, moving it back one tile.
If the dino is pushed back onto a lava tile or on an active volcano tile, don't move it - the owner of the dino takes one lava drop and must discard one card from his hand (at random).
Throw the egg
If you own the egg, use this action to give the egg to your opponent. If you are not the egg owner, you may use this action to trip the opponent's dino, knocking it to the ground.
Lay the dino figure on its side. To stand up again, the owner must discard, in his next turn, any two cards from hand.
Steal a card
With this action, you may steal a card (at random) from the opponent's hand.
Swapping cards: During your turn, you may also decide to swap cards, to try to get better ones. Discard two cards from your hand to draw a new one from the deck. You may do this several times, if you want, before, after, or in-between playing cards.
Put all the cards you play or discard in a pile, beside the deck.
3. Roll the Event Die

When a player doesn't want to play or swap any more cards, he rolls the event die. The result of the die applies to all the players - not just the current one! The roll has different results:
Terrain: Four sides of the die show a terrain type. Each player draws one card from the deck for each dino he has on that terrain type.
Note: The current player cannot play or swap these cards, as the phase "Play and swap cards" is over.
Two cards: Each player draws two cards (even if they only have one dino on the track!).
The volcano erupts: Trouble for your dinos! When you roll this result, the volcano erupts and lava flows. During the game, the eruption will form a lava river, starting from the volcano tile and filling the race track! Two different things happen:
The player who owns the egg must discard all the cards from his hand and take one lava drop. Then, he must pass the egg to another player of his choice.
If this is the first time the event is rolled, flip the volcano tile to show the "active" side.
If the volcano is already active, flip the terrain tile closest to the volcano not yet covered by lava, to show its "lava" side.
If there are dinos on the flipped tile, move them forward onto the next tile. The owner must discard a card from his hand (at random) and take one lava drop for each dino moved.
Finish Line
When you move a dino onto the last tile on the track, it is safe. Remove the dino from the track. Take all the prize counters still in play, look at them (without showing them to the other players), and choose one, without showing it. This is your prize for the dino finishing the race. Put the remaining prizes, face down, in the stack.
Note: You may look at the prizes you won at any time, but keep them secret from the other players until the end of the race!
If you finish the race with both dinos, you must discard all the cards in your hand. From now on, you only roll the event dice during your turn. Any effect only applies to the players still in the race.
If you are the owner of the egg when your second dino finishes the race, the egg is safe, too! In addition to the prize for the dino, you also take an egg counter (chosen at random) and gain the points indicated by that counter.
End of the Game
The game ends as soon as the egg is safe. Any dino still on the race track doesn't get a prize.
To find the score for each player, add the value of the prize counters of the dinos finishing the race, plus the value of the egg counter for the player who brought the egg to safety.
The player loses one point for each lava drop he took during the race. A player who has chosen two prize counters with the same color (red or green) receives a 3-point bonus.
The player with the highest score wins the game.
If there is a tie, the player who brought the egg to safety is the winner.
This variant is suitable for younger players. Don't use the prize counters, egg counter, and lava drops. The winner is the player who is the first to bring both dinos to safety.
Double Match
To reduce the effect of luck, play two games in a row, and sum the score of each player. The winner is the player with more points after the two races.
Playing In Teams
It is possible to play as a team, so up to 8 players can join the fun! Use the same rules as in a normal game, but each player controls only one dino and starts the game with 4 cards.
Before rolling the event die, the current player may pass his team-mate one card from his hand, keeping it secret from their opponents. When the "Two Cards" event is rolled, each player only draws one card.
Team-mates may talk with each other when they choose the prize counter. It is recommended the players in the same team do not sit beside each other.
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