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Rating: 8 Very Good
Players: 2-2 players
Playing time: 45-21 minutes

Official Site: Crimson Company

Created by: Fabian Fischer, Dario Reinhardt, Janna Sophia

Published by: Crimson Company


In Crimson Company, two opposing players take on the roles of adventurous noblemen in a cut-throat fantasy world.

In a battle of wits, they assemble armies of sellswords, from hardened warriors and shady merchants to mythical creatures as old as time.

Your goal in a match of Crimson Company is to conquer two of the three castles in the center. You conquer a castle by amassing more strength than your opponent in the castle's lane by the time that lane is scored.

A lane is scored once a player owns at least four cards in it.

Cards represent a large variety of characters, all of which have specific strength values and unique effects. The latter are either one-time instant effects that happen when a card is played, or they are triggered in specific phases of the game.

Four randomly drawn cards from the character deck are "on offer". You may bid coins on only one of those at a time. Then your opponent decides to either pay you off, doubling the coins you bid, or pass and let you play the card.

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In Crimson Company two opposing players take on the roles of adventurous noblemen in a cut-throat fantasy world.

In a battle of wits they assemble armies of sellswords - from hardened warriors, to shady merchants, to mythical creatures as old as time. Who will outsmart their rival and gain control over the castles of a forgotten kingdom?


  • 30 unique sellsword cards
  • 40 coin tokens
  • three castle cards
  • two overview/setup cards
  • "active player" marker
  • Rulebook


Your goal in a match of Crimson Company is to conquer two of the three castles in the center. You conquer a castle by amassing more strength than your opponent in the castle's lane by the time when that lane is scored. A lane is scored once a player owns at least four cards in it. …

Now you know everything you need to play the game. Should you have any questions during play about card effects or special situations, refer to the sections below.

Card Effect Clarifications

  • Alchemist: Can destroy self (and has to if it is the only card on the board). Destroying face-down cards is worth 0 coins.

  • Berserker: Can never reduce a card's strength below 0.

  • Blood Priest: The opponent chooses which card to destroy (if there are multiple).

  • Bully: Can destroy face-down cards (since they have 0 strength). …

Variant: Team vs. Team

Note: You need two version of Crimson Company to play this variant!

In the 2-versus-2 variant of the game, each team controls one side of the board. All cards on the same side are shared between both team members. However, every player still has their own separate amount of coins.

Setup & Goal

  • Lay out 5 regular castle cards (i.e. lanes) between the two teams.

  • Shuffle the two decks of character cards together to create one deck of 60 cards. …

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