The Time Travel Car can be used with or without the first expansion: Horses 8e Stagecoach.
The Time Travel Car is placed in front of the Locomotive. The remaining set-up should be according to the base game rules.
If you play with the Horses and Stagecoach expansion, you are not allowed to place your Bandit in the Time Travel Car during the Horse attack.
Object of the Game
The Time Travel Car allows you to travel in time and to end up where the other players aren't expecting you.
Several Bandits can go in the Time Travel Car at the same time, but in order to trigger the action, your Bandit has to be alone in it at the end of a round (after applying the event, if the current round has one).
If this condition is met, all of the other players close their eyes. In the meantime, you must take your Bandit pawn and hide it below the Loco- motive; below one of the Cars; or below the Stagecoach (if you are playing with the expansion).
Then, the next Schemin' phase is played and none of the other players know where your Bandit is. The Bandit's location is disclosed at the beginning of the Stealing phase and the pawn is placed inside the Car where it was hiding. Then all of the actions are resolved.
At the end of the game, after the event is resolved, if one Bandit is alone inside the Time Travel Car, the player receives $500 and all of the loot that may be contained inside.
The Actions
The Time Travel Car is considered as adjacent to the roof and the inside of the Locomotive. So your Bandit can enter it thanks to a Move action or a Horse action if you play using the Horses and Stagecoach expansion.
The Floor Change action has no effect when your Bandit is in the Time Travel Car.
For the Fire action, the Time Travel Car is adjacent to the roof of the train and to the inside of the Locomotive.
That means a Bandit in the Time Travel Car can shoot a Bandit on the roof of any Car, but the player must respect the Line of Sight (and vice versa) rule as defined in the base game.
If you play using the Stagecoach, a Bandit on the roof of the Stagecoach can shoot a Bandit in the Time Travel Car, and vice versa.
For the Punch action: the player can eject someone from the roof and the inside of the Locomotive to the Time Travel Car. However, you can only eject someone from the Time Travel Car to the inside of the Locomotive (you cannot eject a Bandit from the Time Travel Car to the roof of the Locomotive).
The Marshal never enters the Time Travel Car.
When Django shoots a Bandit on the roof of the Locomotive from the roof of the train, his target is ejected to the Time Travel Car.
The Braking event makes the Bandits who are on the roof of the Locomotive move to the Time Travel Car.
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