Port Bonus Tiles

Use this bonus in a turn when you fulfil an Export contract requiring Meat. The fulfilled Export contract requires 1 fewer slaughtered animals.

Discard one Basic good of your choice and gain any three Basic goods of your choice (including the type you discarded).

Discard one Processed good of your choice and gain any two Processed goods of your choice (including the type you discarded).

Receive one Bonus upgrade and gain 3 Glory.

Gain £10.

Manipulate the price of one Good by three steps on the Market before trading this Good.

Take any two of your units from your Player board (other than Fields) and exchange them with any two of your units on the map (other than Fields) at no cost. The two new units must be different from the two old units. The new units must match the land type on which they are deployed. If you qualify you can obtain the Building bonus. You cannot obtain any Neighbourhood bonus during this port action.

You gain £5. If your Export box is empty you can perform the Building bonus (and pay the respective costs if you decide to take an Export contract, as normal).

Scoring Tiles

Gain 1 Glory for each Basic good in your stock.

Gain 3 Glory for each two Processed goods in your stock.

Gain 1 Glory for each of your deployed Sheep, Cows, Cheese dairies, Bakeries and Distilleries and 2 Glory for each Field.

Gain 2 Glory for each of your deployed Workers (including Fishermen if you are Clan MacDonald).

Gain 3 Glory for every two units on border spaces of the active map. In a game with 1-2 players, the shaded spaces (also marked with mist) are not part of the active map, thus all the spaces adjacent to the shaded spaces with mist are considered border spaces.

Gain 1 Glory for each unit of Cotton, Tobacco and Sugar cane on your fulfilled Export contracts.

Gain 2 Glory for each unit of Meat on your fulfilled Export contracts.

Gain 1 Glory for each of your Upgrades (Technology upgrades, Shipping upgrades and hired Merchants). Just count each spot left of your Shipping marker, each free Merchant spot and each upgraded (flipped) Technology tile. You also gain Glory for Upgrades your clan started with.
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