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Rating: 6.8 Good
Players: 2-6 players
Playing time: 20-21 minutes

Created by: Ludovic Mahieu, Eleanor Ernaelsteen

Published by: Hellion Cat


You're a cat now! And as any self-respecting cat, your way of life is to make as much mischief as possible. But beware to not being caught by a Hooman or you'll be grounded! Try to blame another cat instead!

Each player plays his turn, starting by the first player. You can make 3 different moves:

  1. Play a hidden card in front of you
  2. Play a hidden card in front of another player
  3. Draw one to two cards from the deck

When everybody has made a move, all player reveals the cards and effect are applied on the shared mischief stair. Then check who's get caught!

In the game, there are 3 kinds of cards:

  • Mischief: Increase the Hooman owner awareness and anger
  • Purring: lower the Hooman owner awareness and anger
  • Sneaky: Increase the Hooman owner awareness and anger but change the tide of a turn!

The game ends when a cat was very bad and grounded 20 times or when the deck is empty. The lesser grounded cat win the game!

Cat'astrophes is a family card game for 2 to 6 players.

Recommended starting age is 7+. Play session last about 15 minutes on average. Both core board gamers and casual one can enjoy the game due to the guessing mechanic and the possibility to use strategies!

Retail Price:$0

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