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Rating: 6.9 Good
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 3-6 players
Playing time: 20 minutes

Official Site: Official Website (CGE)

Created by: Vlaada Chvátil, Tomáš Kučerovský

Published by: Czech Games Edition, Albi, Heidelberger Spieleverlag

Alternate Names: Mein Name ist Elch, Mein Name ist Hase, Ušáci a paroháči


Once again, the hunter prowls the forest. All the animals flee in terror! Well, not really. Only a dumb animal would call attention to itself. In our forest, the animals are smart, otherwise their heads would be decorating the hunter's mantelpiece.

Our animals just casually saunter away, while convincing the hunter that he must be looking for something else. "Are you hungry for rabbit, Mr. Hunter? Well, you see, I'm a moose. Oh, no, not a moose with antlers like that…"

In this merry game, players take on the roles of rabbits and moose. While the hunter strolls through the forest, players are trying to look like an animal the hunter won't shoot. And because they do so by making rabbit ears or moose antlers of various shapes on their heads, the spectators enjoy the game as well as the players.

Retail Price:$0
Golden Geek Best Party Board Game Nominee 2010

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